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Hey, filmcritic. Have you tried counseling? Lots of folks do well with either cognitive behavioral therapy and / or mindfulness.


Mindfulness is helping me a lot.  ;)

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I have tried but the brain fog and constant racing thoughts make it impossible to learn. I just feel completely hopeless. I've had depression before withdrawal and that's one of the reasons I started taking benzodiazepines. Do you think it is possible to learn?
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I have tried but the brain fog and constant racing thoughts make it impossible to learn. I just feel completely hopeless. I've had depression before withdrawal and that's one of the reasons I started taking benzodiazepines. Do you think it is possible to learn?


I started off my benzo journey 29 years ago, and was on assorted meds throughout (click on the link in my signature for my Lab Rat progress log for details).


I started out with a major depressive diagnosis and ended up with the bipolar diagnosis, so depression and insomnia have been the worst for me. I had that well before starting any kind of psych meds.


I'm not able to afford any therapy right now, which is probably for the best due to memory problems, depersonalization, and cog fog. I'm thinking it will be more beneficial when I'm a bit more recovered.


That being said, I've found guided mindfulness videos to be enormously helpful. I'm not up to reading a lot right now, but just listening to Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn or Mooji or Claire Weekes has really helped.


Also, if you go on YouTube and google Jody Whitely, you'll find a lot of guided meditations for insomnia and anxiety and depression.


I think just playing these kinds of things at night helps me rest, even if I can't sleep. And I'm staying in a much more positive attitude.


Check out some of these names on YouTube. I hope they help you, too.  ;)


And then perhaps when you're ready, and when the brain fog and racing thoughts subside, you can get more out of therapy. I'm hoping to try therapy again when my mind is a bit more focused.

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Mindseeker, thank you! A true gift. I've saved these names and videos to my internet faves. I will give them a whirl! Thank you for taking the time to help me tonight!
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