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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

I really need some encouragement now!


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I'm six months out and I feel worse than ever. I have twitchings all over my body. My left calf is twitching terribly and there are pins and needels in my feet all the time. There are so much activity going on in my left foot, ankle and calf that I can't sleep at night. I also have burning feet. My right hand and arm is still weird. I have a lot of nerve problems in my thumb, index finger and on the other side of the hand. I'm also very sensitive on the skin on both legs. If I touch my neck I can feel it on my skin all the way down to my feet. I also have a lot of cramps, moving toes, tingling, thumb pressure and sudden movement of fingers and toes. I'm going to have a new emg and neuro exam. I really want to hear from people with same issues and people who have recovered from this. It all started when I was on benzo and I've never had anything like this before.
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H, I am so sorry about this. I thouight you were so much better. I think it probably comes and goes. I can fully understand why you want to go for a full neuro. I paid for my own MRI scan. it was clear so I feel much better psychologically.


I am sending you all my love. This is one of the worst symptoms, isn't it? You sound very muich like me though. Have you also thought about asking for some basic bloods. Some minor imblances can cause this. Are you anyway near your monthly. (Sorry to be personal but I find that affects me as well.)


I am sure it is all withdrawal but I always work on the premeis. I think it is withdrawal. I won't take anything but I will get it checked out to rule out other causes.


Hope you feel better soon. :smitten:


Love Buddy

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Yes, I was doing a little better for a couple of days but then everything came back stronger and now I can't get out my bed. I'm just crying constantly. I went to see my mom yesterday and it was terrible. She just talked about how nightmare her life was and she has a lot if bitterness because of things that happened earlier in her life. It just nocked me totally down and I feel so weak and shaky all over. I'm so scared I have the same disease that I can't breath. All the f*** twitchings and cramps in my right hand and left leg is driving me crazy. I'm sorry. I'm just a totally mess right now. I'll have a emg in a couple of weeks. If it's clean I can stop worrying about ALS.
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H, I am out today but listen I'll be around later to talk. I am sure stress is exacebating things! Have you anyone else around you.


Love Buddy

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Hg this is all WD . I had the same thing happen,6 and 7 are worse then 4 and month 5 but should let up around 8.5 to 9 that yucky acidity anxiety feeling will let up and pry be fine by 8.5 or 9 .
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Thank you for telling me this, itsmylife! I've never been so scared in my whole life. I actually feel like I'm dying slowly. What a f**** nightmare this is!!
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I have that dying feeling as well. I told myself 'come on then, if you want to kill me go on,' and after that I started feeling a bit better. I have a bad headache tonight so can't talk but I wish you well.


Love Buddy

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Funny you mention that. I was thinking today that ok if Im dying Im dying, I better make the best out of the time I have left. And I went downtown and ate dinner with friends and I had a really good time even though my calf was twitching all night and my hand was weird. But now Im back in "F***, I dont want to die"- modus again since I had such a good night out...and of course the anxiety is back.  :idiot:


I hope you feel better soon, Buddy!  :smitten:

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Im glad youre getting checked out neurologically....just to be safe! But these are, sadly, very common symptoms in benzo withdrawal. I had the same stuff, the twitches, the pins and needles. I had jerking of certain muscles, like my legs. One leg would suddenly fly up in the air, which terrified me. I, too, thought I had ALS, or Parkinsons, or something else. But I didn't. It all went away in time, and I hope it does for you, too.

To put it simply, benzos deeply affect our Central Nervous System (which includes your brain, spine). Benzos affect this while we take one and when we get off one, this system goes a little haywire as it re-adjusts. Your CNS is causing these symptoms. Wrong signals are being sent to all part of your body. Does that make sense to you?

The good part is that if its withdrawal, it goes away. Each person has their own unique set of symptoms, and yours seems to be neurological in nature. Mine were mental (extreme fear/terror). But all of us heal, at our own special rate. I am so sorry youre going through this...please hang on. Keep distracting yourself as much as possible, because that's the best way to cope with it all.



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Eastcoaster, thank you so much for encouraging me and for making things clear. I have a lot of anxiety these days. This is the hardest thing I've ever gone through. Thank you guys for being there! :smitten:
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