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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Binge- I Went on a Binge


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I guess it was 2 days ago that I took probably 60 mgs. of valium instead of 30mgs., which I had been down to for about a month. I am totally distraught in my life, and that is why I did it.

I know there are no doctors on here, so I am just asking.....

I've been taking 30mgs. since then. Am I in physical danger of seizure or anything else?

In previous years, I had binged without a seizure or anything like that.

I took 200mgs. once, with no real effect, last year.

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Hi Lucero.


I binge a lot for the same reasons. Probably not a good idea but from what I've read so far a one off binge isn't likely to do much but send you to sleep, and maybe cause you to fall around like you were drunk. I think it's the sudden stopping after long term use that has the potential to bring about seizures. I'm not a pharmacist so I might be totally wrong, but I've read that seizures are quite rare anyway. Still risky, though, as they can be fatal.


I know what it's like to see the pills and eat them like candy when times are rough. I do hope you can avoid it in the future but I know well enough that you'll do what you feel like doing at the time. Understand that totally.


The benzo I take is about 10x the potency of valium and I consume about 20-40mgs a day of that (roughly 200-400mgs valium equivalent - if the equivalency chart is accurate) with 40mgs being my binge dose when I've had it with stress in life. So far all it's done is sent me to sleep and slurred my speech at high doses but I've never noticed a problem by halving my dose the next day. I can only speak about my own body, though. I hope yours is just as resilient.


I also hope whatever brought about the binge gets mended. That's the real source of it all in my opinion. Best of luck.



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