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Good grief I just can't shake it


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Took a week or so off from BB and tried to ignore my symptoms and "act as if" everything was fine. Here I am back again with what seems like almost every symptom I've ever had returning all at once. A ridiculous combination of "feeling like" I have MS, CFS, adrenal fatigue, dementia, bipolar mood swings, low blood sugar, blurred vision, and the nasty chemical anxiety where it feels like you're rotting and vibrating from the inside out. And of course the DR is front a center.


Nothing helps this week. Exercise makes it worse. Eating to try to get rid of the low blood sugar feeling often makes it worse. Once again stuck with no option but to endure pain and extreme discomfort until it goes away, however many weeks it will take this time. Dear God I wish I could have some relief from this constant discomfort, I feel so stuck.



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So sorry you feel so bad, I can totally relate, it is sheer misery I know, you are not alone, better days are ahead, you are healing underneath all this unease.


Hang on.

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Hi ins


I know how you feel.  I am 17 months off benzos now and my patience and endurance are starting to wear thin. I am not suffering as much as you are but have been stuck in bed for almost a year. As soon as I get on my feet I start to feel really ill. All we can do is soldier on and keep believing this will end. I am fortunate to feel reasonably ok most of the time in bed but obviously have to get up and do the basics as I live alone.


Some weeks I can do a little bit more than others. I have just had the two most horrible days, then all the symptoms just disappeared an hour or so ago,  it is all mad!!! Just do what you can, when you can and accept it if you can do next to nothing. Getting upset and frustrated does not help. You should have seen me this afternoon - curled up in a ball, almost in tears, wishing I could die.  :'( :'(


It will all pass.




LF  :smitten:


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I'm sorry all of us here are feeling so rotten  :(


The more I look around the more I have to be prepared that this could take quite some time to resolve. I need to be thankful that I can exercise most days as that was not possible last year. Other than that this is really rough to keep going forward with. I have a wife and young children to keep fighting for and very little money left to support them so I am also thankful to be able to work from home when my brain co-operates.  I had a routine physical a few weeks ago, blood test normal so all this has to be continued w/d.


Sending positive thoughts for a bright window to all of you  :smitten:

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Right with you Innadaze. I will be 17 months off on  Thurs and I have only improved maybe 10%. Heart palps gone and anxiety a little better but that's it. I agree, the longer it goes on the more frustrated I become, having passed those mile markers of 9, 12, 15 months. I too am able to work at my own business when able and am very fortunate. Also have a supportive husband and several friends who really get it. Counting my blessings becomes harder the longer I stay in this dazed other world with my rocky pressurized body and deep depression.


I do think this takes longer than we realized and even wonder how healed those from the success stories are sometimes. I know several have had to come back and say they relapsed.😞 let's just soldier on together until we get there WHICH WE WILL!

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I know how you feel, and I'm sorry

Almost 24 months off, I feel like I'm back in acute some days

This is just complete horribleness !

Hoping for healing...whenever it may come!

little m... :smitten:

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Oh Hopeful-One and little m, why must we endure this for so long?


I'm glad to hear you are able to have the determination to do some work sometimes. I will keep marching right along with both of you to the finish line. I hope you both are a couple of the stories we read where one day you wake up healed  :smitten:

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"Waking up healed" is my dream. Every morning when it hits me it's all still there, I need an hour pep talk from myself just to get up and do it all again!😝 Let's hope for a better day tomorrow!
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Sending support and best wishes to feel a bit better. All I can do to ease my symptoms is keep out of any heat/humidity, stay in a cool room and avoid all stress. That helps a little.
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Hey buddy!


Sounds like we are in a similar rough patch as usual. Last two weeks were killer. Hard to believe a wave could hit this far out.


I think I'm pulling through it though. Had to take a few days off work. Just trying to keep busy with mundane labour like chopping firewood. It seems to help.


It's been so long since I felt normal I'm wondering what normal feels like at this point. Maybe it's a sign we are almost there!


Be strong my friend! :thumbsup:

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Thanks for the support everyone. I'm so tired of feeling awful.


Today I can't tell if things are getting worse or better. My anxiety and general feeling is a different "flavor". I'm not used to it and it's kind of scary. Hopefully it's a sign of healing to feel these different sensations and different ways and not a turn for even worse.


Good to hear from you Sven, wish you had better news to share. Staying as strong as I can, you too my friend!  :thumbsup:

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This is just unreal Daze. I hear ya with regards to things being "different". I'm glad you said it. I'm tired of it too. Dammit!  Starting to get into the habit of drinking wine again. It's a temporary relief, but wow it can be bad the day after.


Hard to believe we are at 18 months into this hell! :idiot:

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This is just unreal Daze. I hear ya with regards to things being "different". I'm glad you said it. I'm tired of it too. Dammit!  Starting to get into the habit of drinking wine again. It's a temporary relief, but wow it can be bad the day after.


Hard to believe we are at 18 months into this hell! :idiot:


Dang, sorry Sven. Try and take it easy on the wine if you can. I've been back to an alright baseline the last couple of days. Anxiety lower for a change. DR milder. Thinking clearer but memory not working well at all. We'll see how long it lasts. With any luck a new plateau in healing! Take care  :thumbsup:

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