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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

day 30 dark suicidal thoughts if doom


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Day 30 could I be in such a dark place from ativan withdraw or ia this from normal anxiety.


Very dark place function almost normally but thoughts are dark.....



Need help please.....  How much longer ?

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Hi Beneplat....I know how hard this can be. I remember that depression, it was black, dark and all consuming. I am so sorry that you are going through it but please believe me, it passes. Try to lighten illuminate your home with natural or artificial lights. Get outside even if it's cloudy. Mine lasted about 5-6 weeks. Also, watch comedies. You will be ok, this is not a forever situation.
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I feel so low and grim and my world just city llapsibg on me. .


want to crawl into bed byr have so many big responsibilities.


My work life a total disaster. My wifes cancer crushing.......

How do u get through this?



Alternatively fikkee with thoughts if lust as an escape

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Day 30 could I be in such a dark place from ativan withdraw or ia this from normal anxiety.


Very dark place function almost normally but thoughts are dark.....



Need help please.....  How much longer ?



Hi Benplat


I am very sorry you are suffering from your Ativan withdrawal. I know firsthand how frieghtning symptoms can be, especially in early withdrawal. I stopped a large dose of Ativan cold turkey 9 months ago this week. You are still in the acute phase of withdrawal. Mental/emotional symptoms can be very scary during this period. This phase will pass.


If you are having suicidal thoughts because of depression you should seek help.


Let me refer you to our "Suicide and Self-harm" page, which is a useful resource:




Take care,


benzosrcruel  :smitten:


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