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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

New and With Pain Syndrome


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I have joined Benzobuddies for support for withdrawal from Valium (from Klonapin) and a few other medications.  I was on Klonapin for 20 years until I switched to Valium July 2013 to get off it. 


I currently take 2 mg Valium, 150 mg Wellbutrin SR, and 10 mg Zanaflex.  Others as needed. 


I have fibromyalgia syndrome and am having a very hard time with muscle spasticity and pain, especially in my back, neck, and left calf and arch.  I am in pain all the time.  Etc.   

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Hello chirping1, we're glad you found us!  Congratulations on deciding to get off benzos.  We generally suggest a taper rate of about 5-10% every 10-14 days, but individual rates vary.  Also, it's best to taper one medication at a time, especially for longer term users.  Here are a few links you'll find useful:


Withdrawal Support (during your taper).


The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field.  She describes and explains withdrawal symptoms, and there is also a section with withdrawal/taper schedules.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again, welcome!




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