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PH changes in the blood? Anyone?


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Hi there,


I am finding that eating milky things or non gluten bread is helping some of my bloating which in turn seems to be helping my shakes and tingling pains. I am wondering if some of this is due to Ph changes in the blood (possibly caused by bloating). Has anyone else noticed this?


Love Buddy

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I've never tested it. But my blood was weird in the first months of withdrawal. It didn't coagulate as good as it should. It was weird and it's gone now.
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Because of my Lyme disease, I have to go in for a darkfield microscopy every couple of months.  My blood was improving and then after I took benzos for several months and withdrew, my blood looked a mess.  There was a lot of mesh-like things in the images which indicated that the acidity has changed.  It was like day and night and the change is very apparent.  Benzos makes the blood very acidic.  I'm trying my darn hardest to bring it back to alkaline state by drinking more lemon water and sticking to more veggies.  I haven't been very disciplined and I can see the results because my benzo belly goes nuts.
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Thank you H and Castilio. This is very interesting. I do think some of what is going on for me is Ph change. I am not going to get any doctor to test this for me but what did they advise you to do about it, Castillo?


Love Buddy

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HI buddy, the instructions were to eat alkalizing foods and drink lemon water and my doc gave me these alkalizing drops to put in my water when I drink liquids.  Unfortunately I don't have the bottle with me now so I can't tell you the name.  I drank baking soda water for a bit but it ended up giving me headaches cause it would raise my blood pressure.  I ended that trial pretty quick lol. 
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I'm just going to throw this out there.


Eating does not affect blood PH levels. Your kidneys regulate your blood PH and do a damned good job at keeping it constant. Anything you eat is made to be extremely acidic in the stomach and basic fluids are pumped in to neutralize the acid upon entering the small intestine. Once in the intestine, everything is just as acidic or basic as it needs to be to ensure proper digestion. If your blood is too acidic or basic, you have a far more serious problem than diet could ever fix alone.

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