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Adding Valium to Finish Difficult Klonopin Taper?


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Hi all,


I'm at the point on my daily micro taper of Klonopin (.18 mg from .75)) that I'm having to hold every 4th day, and even then having rough sleep, fog, fatigue, shakiness, etc.  Have tried Remeron, but it makes my leg bones ache! 


I read a post on here somewhere from a person who simply added a bit of Valium at night to sleep and finish off their taper.  Since I'm so close to the end (about 8-10 weeks?), I thought this might work for me. 


Any idea how much I might start with?  Pros and cons?  I know I'll have to taper from that small amount of Valium, but hoping it'll be easier than the Klon.


Any ideas appreciated.  I'm feeling pretty desperate.



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That's an interesting idea to solve the sleep problem, but I wonder how much V it would take to create sleep.  And I would think it would wear off in a few weeks, at least that's what always seems to happen with V.


And as you say you would need to then taper the V.  If you are at .18mg K that is like 3.6mg V.  Plus whatever V you plan to add.  If it were me I would not do it.  If you are willing to do this then why not just updose the K since that is effectively what you are doing anyway - updosing - and hope that relieves symptoms and improves sleep.  I just don't know how much V it would take to create sleep.


My two cents.

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Thanks, SG57!  I agree with your assessment.  I am sleeping and feeling better for some unknown reason, so I will forego the Valium and hope that I can finish the Klonopin taper as is.
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