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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

60+ Days Out!


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Well, I'm 60+ days free from K! I'm feeling a lot better (turned for the better around 50 days),  but still could be better. Bouts of high anxiety but not panic attacks. Still struggling with weight gain, TINNITUS, acne, feeling easily agitated/angered, blurry vision, feelings of depression (last month's SEVERE depression abated in about a week and a half), and general fatigue. I started working out, and I feel like that helps, but I still feel abnormally out of shape (winded & weak). I started training to be a medical assistant and it's going well - I have my first test on Tuesday! 


For those that have just started their taper or have just C/T'ed: stick with it! Go at your own pace but remember to push yourself & take small steps to take charge when you feel ready. Remember that everyone on this board is here for you (PM me if you need to talk!) and DON'T GIVE UP.



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Congrats on being free and feeling some improvement. I have been severely severely depressed throughout my entire taper.

God i hope it lets up, im pretty much bedridden now for 14 months from depression and fatigue.

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Well, I'm 60+ days free from K! I'm feeling a lot better (turned for the better around 50 days),  but still could be better. Bouts of high anxiety but not panic attacks. Still struggling with weight gain, TINNITUS, acne, feeling easily agitated/angered, blurry vision, feelings of depression (last month's SEVERE depression abated in about a week and a half), and general fatigue. I started working out, and I feel like that helps, but I still feel abnormally out of shape (winded & weak). I started training to be a medical assistant and it's going well - I have my first test on Tuesday! 


For those that have just started their taper or have just C/T'ed: stick with it! Go at your own pace but remember to push yourself & take small steps to take charge when you feel ready. Remember that everyone on this board is here for you (PM me if you need to talk!) and DON'T GIVE UP.




Yay! So happy for you!!!!!  :clap:

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Can you tell us your experience with Flumanzenil?  do you believe it helped your symptoms?  I have severe anxiety and wondering if this works?  thanks
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I've been discussing my detox in this thread:




The jist: I probably would just C/T cold turkey (that's just ME, not recommending it) if I had to go through it again. I tried tapering twice before and reinstated both times. I don't think the flumazenil treatment is as effective as is believed, and if I pay $10k for treatment, I expect to have ZERO withdrawal symptoms, not just to a lesser degree. I'm 26 years old and healthy (exercise every day, take vitamins, eat right, didn't work during withdrawal, etc.) as well so these factors may also be affecting my process.

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