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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Does anyone suffer from these withdrawal symptoms


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hello everyone, this is my first post here. Ive had a horrible time the last few months. I had been on paxil for years and weaned off of it last fall to try to have a family. Unfortunately in January I had a misscariage and my anxiety levels progressed worse and worse from there. I wa put on celexa but reacted very badly to it, ringing in ears, etc... going off of it i had horrible sleep where i would be jolted as soon as a would drift off, awful nightmares and hearing loud sounds in my ears that woke me up.... Went to ER had cat scan, and all was clear.  PCP rxd EEG which came back normal. Psychiatrist put me on .5 mg xanax 3 times a day and 30 mg paxil and 50 mg trazodone to sleep.  ENT gave me an MRi and it was normal. After a little longer than a month on that schedule i was starting to feel more myself. Then i started weaning off xanax. He said to cut one of the pills in half for a week. I began that last sunday and the last 3 days have been hell.  Rinigng/buzzing weird frequency noises in my head, sharp feelings in my ears/head to sounds, ears fluctuating, electric jolt like sensations - the worst was this morning when it was like a wave of electricity passed from the right side of my head to my left and i felt dizzy and I called my psych and he said to go back to my original schedule. I went to the ER and the doctors said that my withdrawal schedule could be too quick for my body to handle. And to go back on it and work on going slower in a little while. I am so scared that i am having a seizure and they all say that i am not and it's a part of withdrawal... i had brain zaps from going off paxil but not like these jolts... can anyone help? I was thinking of tapering down by.125 every week instead - has anyone had success with this? thanks so much in advance.
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Yes, these sound like some of the withdrawal symptoms, I had when I reduced my Xanax in too large of chunks at the top end of my taper.  From 1.5 to zero, I dropped .0625, every 8 to 14 days.  I used .25mg tablets and simply quartered them.  A lot of us who have successfully tapered Xanax did the .0625 cut to get free.


There is no way I would consider dropping .125 at your level.  I know it seems like such a small amount, but Xanax is soooooooo darn potent.  I did a .125mg cut right around 1.75 and really suffered for it.  After I adopted the .0625 cut, I began to feel better the lower in dose I got.  I've seen others experience this same thing too ... the .125 was too high and caused some severe symptoms, but the .0625 was more manageable.  And even with this tiny cut I still felt withdrawal, but it was much more manageable.

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Willowgirl - all I can do is ((((hug)))). I'm going through a terrible time as well. Keep hanging on - I understand it does get better with time.  BTW, I am sorry about your loss.



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Wow I having been here in the group since I came off the Xanex ! What you are having is Xanex withdrawal. Its a nasty thing ! A lot of ER doctors will actually admit you to the hospital where they out you in ICU & bring you off it ! I almost had A heart attack coming off it.my ears were ringing for what seemed like forever ! Please be very carful & if you start feeling really bad go to the ER !
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Willowgirl. My whole nightmare with benzos started after an ectopic pregnancy. My heart goes out to you! I have many of your symptoms. My jolts and brain zaps are the worst.


Love Buddy

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