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12 month off xanax and pregnant! Need help!


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Hello everyone. I haven't been here in a long time. I tried to stay away from all internet readings for some time. I am 12 month off xanax and my symptoms were minimal. They fluctuated thru out the month on and off with occasional flares, especially before my period.


A week ago I found out I am pregnant and I am very happy about it. However, I started noticing elevated anxiety again and last saturday had my first panic attack in 7 month. I spoke to my doctor and she said that its normal to have elevated anxiety during pregnancy especially early when hormones are growing. I also started to occasionally experience elevated HR and palpitations, which my doc says its fine. I was sick with POTS for a year and a half which I either got after mono virus or the cause of xanax use, but it has been much better since last spring and I only occasionally experienced symptoms. So my question is for those who had anxiety as due to withdrawals or over all, is it normal to feel anxious when get pregnant? And have symptoms like palpitations, elevated HR at time especially when get up, resting one is ok, also fatigue, and lightheadedness. I am so confused and do not know if all of what I currently experience now is due to pregnancy or my withdrawal and POTS symptoms are coming back. Any advise would be helpful.


Also for those who did get pregnant after withdrawing from benzos, how were you able to tolerate prenatal vitamins? I started taking them and noticed that my anxiety was very severe and I constantly had burning skin sensation and flue like symptoms. So, I had to stop taking them. Now i am just taking folic acid, but not multivitamins. Doe anyone know to what we can react in the vitamins?

I bought the children's chewable one that I plan to try, but most of multivitamins contain same vitamins just different doses.


Thank you all.

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Gemma...congratulations!! ...very exciting and it is great that you are 12 months off you will be able to enjoy your baby without the p/w misery...that is so good for you and baby.

.....I had POTS the first 4 months of my pregnancy with my son and then it cleared up. In Thea first 4 months of pregnancy your body is doubling its blood volume..hormonal shifts are also intense in the first 4 months. Ask your doctor or midwife about vitamins, but IMO. if you are able to eswt a good diet and maybe include some vitamin rich Smoothies maybe you can delay vitamins until later in your pregnancy. I was sick for the first trimester and could hardly eat let alone take those horse vitamins. I started them in month 6.  My son was a healthy ( 9,9 APGAR after a general anestheticq). ...

.....Rest alot...eat well...exercise however you can....the second trimester is do much easier...xo happy for you....coop

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Thank you so much  :). I am very happy about pregnancy. How were you able to manage your POTS? Did you have POTS before got pregnant? I was suffering with POTS for almost year and a half and so afraid it could come back with pregnancy and be permanent. I read that some people feel better and some are almost bed ridden. I am also full time in school now and really want to finish this semester, I am in physical therapy program. My POTS was almost gone by this spring, but now I am feeling certain symptoms which I dont know if they are POTS or just simple pregnancy symptoms. Its hard to distinguish once you have been sick with POTS and withdrawals and all that great stuff we had to go thru :). If I was never sick before I would probably just think that its pregnancy. Some days I feel great, but others horrible. No morning sickness yet, but feel very lightheaded and dizzy some days, like I am going to loose it and faint. Also, sometimes feel out of breath, fatigue just walking to the kitchen, palpitations (sometimes only), and increased HR upon exertion. Is this what you experienced?


About vitamins, I read somewhere that vitamins B6 can cause anxiety in pregnant, but not sure.

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Gemma...to me your s/x sound more like w/d..but early pregnancy can also cause light headedness.  When I had pregnancy related POTS I was pretty much in bed as every time I got up I ws lightheaded. I ate salty foods like pretzels and crackers, drank plenty of fluid, moved slowly. I did not have POTS before pregnancy. I did have to take a leave of absence from my work. I never did return as I was helplessly in love with my baby..lol. ..As I said, neither he or I suffered any effects from the POTS...he weighed 8# and was active and loud after a ' knock out ' C-section which had nothing to do with the POTS...he was trying to present shoulder first and would not tur
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Hey again. Yes its so confusing. On september 13 will be a 12 month that I am off xanax, so it could still be withdrawals as well. But i was feeling pretty good for the whole summer and them anxiety and all the other symptoms started and then I found out I am pregnant. Although, I remember someone posted here that we can get a waive at 12 months, so maybe its that. I had a pretty bad one at 8 months. I hope I dont get too  POTSY and can finish this fall semester while pregnant.

Do you know if all this symptoms of lightheadedness and stuff are dangerous to the baby. Today i felt like i will pass out in class, but it was at the end of the day. Yestarday i was fine. I am just hoping that me pushing myself to stay in school while experiencing all these symptoms is not going to do any damage to baby :(.

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Hi Gemma,


Congratulations!!  Sound like wd symptoms totally. As you are aware, the hormones play a huge part.  As for as a prenatal vit.  Write to another buddie Michelle Davis, she knows of a bb who was able to take a particular prenatal vit and had no problem, where others revved up symptoms bad.  She'll be able to give you that info.  Take good care of yourself.

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Try not to worry so much. What you live may be normal hormonal changes combined with a leftover sensitivity from the benzo WD. Baby will be fine as you are a year off so no drug in your system. Pregnancy may be easy or not for anyone. Remember the old, very old movies, where the pregnant lady was always fainting.

You will be OK.


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