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Okay, Just Went To A Military Air Show


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Was sat around about 4000 people and had modern fighter jets flying very low to the ground which were extremely loud. No anxiety, the old me (on diazepam) would probably have crapped himself. Today was a good day.
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Haha thanks LF. It was a great day. I got myself a new jacket and some food and drink whilst there. Saw planes of all kinds from world war 1 to modern day, sat my ass down on a nice chair and just observed. Good therapy but the modern jets might be a bit too much for some they are REALLY loud lol.
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Haha thanks LF. It was a great day. I got myself a new jacket and some food and drink whilst there. Saw planes of all kinds from world war 1 to modern day, sat my ass down on a nice chair and just observed. Good therapy but the modern jets might be a bit too much for some they are REALLY loud lol.


That is amazing!!!! So happy for you!

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