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Has anybody gotten Sinus Issues?


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Ok so this started a week or so ago, seems to let up though when I am not wearing my contacts. But I have noticed that I have developed what feels like sinus pressure or light pain/discomfort along my forehead and around my nose area between my eyes.


The pain in my forehead is mainly centralized to the middle right side... anyone had anything similar? I was just at my Dr on thursday for other issues and did not bring this up because I forgot about it at the time and it wasnt bothering me then..  :(

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Yep, its perfectly normal. We have a head pressure support group on here, its very common. My sinuses and head have a ton of pressure-- feels like a head cold only its just another lovely sx  from the benzos
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Thanks guys.. could WD actually cause a sinus infection though or just mimic the symptoms? Reason i ask is if i should go on the meds for a sinus infection or not
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I ended up with a sinus infection last spring was it WD or just a real sinus infection? I dunno

I took a zpak and it helped it go away.


I wasn't tapering at the time if that makes any sense?

But then again nothing makes sense to me on Benzos.



Good luck


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I took a zpak about 3 months ago and it helped for about a week. My sinuses and head pressure is there most of the time in some shape or form. One of my nasal cavities is always closed. I am pretty sure it's the benzos. This may sound gross, but every time I blow my nose, it's clear. I have had it for about 5 months now. Hopefully it goes away soon lol!
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The other thing I have noticed is that it seems shortly after I lay down to go to bed I will feel the head pressure and my heart beat for maybe 10 seconds then it will go away anyone else get that too? Its so freaking annoying!!! :tickedoff:
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I have been severely congested for my entire taper now. Also hard for me to swallow...like a constant drainage feeling in the back of my throat.
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Yep! I use the NeilMed Sinus Rinse every other day (I'm going to go do it right now...)  ;D


How well does that stuff work and what exactly does it do for you? I might pick some up...

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It definitely doesn't alleviate the head congestion (that would be too easy), but it does help to an extent. It's in a large squeezy bottle (clear with writing on the side and a black top with a hole in the center). Directions are to fill the bottle to the fill line with distilled/filtered warm water (I just use warm water straight out of the tap; not sure if that's a great idea or not... Then you open a packet of "mix" and shake the bottle carefully to mix the solution. Stand over the sink and breathe out of your mouth while you squeeze the solution up one nostril - it will come out your other nostril (as will all sorts of lovely gunk that hangs out in your nose). I squeeze half the bottle up one nostril and half in the other. This is similar to the Neti pot. Blow your nose at the end to get rid of anything else.


Hope that helps! Let me know if you try it and if you like it!

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I get it so bad at times, like sleeping it is going down my throat and I almost choke on it, it's like a rubber band.  But I live in a nasty, humid, hot place, and I'm sensitive to it.  But yes my sinuses have been horrid in WD.



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