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Need help with Klonopin dosage and taper


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I'm not exactly sure what dosage I'm at. I was reckless and would take anywhere from 1-10mg of Klonopin a day for the past like 8ish (could be lower or higher) months. A few days ago I tried breaking up 1mg into 4 .25mg doses throughout the day and by 11am I had an extremely short fuse and wanted to rip someones head off. Now I'm trying 1mg in the morning and 1mg at night. It seems to be ok. I think. Anyway, can anyone help me out here? I feel brain dead. I can't get off the couch, let alone think about a taper plan. Part of me wants to say screw it and do cold turkey again but I know it's going to be really bad this time. I bought a gram scale, the same in the video that Kian posted. I was originally going to do a milk tritation but I do not think I will have the time or energy to do so.


Where do I start? Should I stick with 2mg a day for now? Can anyone help with a taper plan? I can't live this zombie life anymore. Thank you kindly. <3


Edit: I cannot get Valium so substitution method is out of the question.

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I think the milk taper is a very good idea.  The first thing you need to do is find a daily dose you feel good at and stabilize there.  Then, with milk, you could begin a daily taper.
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Does the normal you lay on the couch feeling brain dead? If not, I agree that you should find the dose of Klonopin that restores relative well-being and start your taper there - 10% every 2 or 3 weeks. Give yourself some time to feel okay before you start to taper and between tapers. I couldn't handle it if I tapered again the moment I recovered from the previous taper - I am being very careful to give myself TIME so I don't end up in the rebound insomnia situation that sent me running for my original dose on my two previous attempts. I'm not ready to accept that coming off klonopin HAS to make me feel like crap all the time. Naive perhaps - or just optimistic.
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Milk tritation is not entirely out of the question, but I am not a fan of milk and with my coming schedule (gosh I hope I can handle it all while going through this).... I'm not sure that I will have the time to be fussing with milk and syringes and all that. I feel like doing dry cuts would be better suited for me but seriously what do I know at this point!


Also, I noticed about 2-3 weeks ago I was abnormally VERY tired. At first I thought maybe I was getting sick but it never went away, and then a bell rang and I was like I need to get off Klonopin.  I am on vacation from work since last Saturday and all I've wanted to do is lay around I've been on edge and miserable all week. My boyfriend had enough today and got angry with me. I had already taken my first 1mg. I said screw it and popped 2mg and went to sleep for 6hrs. I feel much better now. I can understand his anger, because most of my outbursts have been against him all week, he was so happy to be off work and I brought him down a lot. I'm going to be very strict with myself from now on. I will get one of those weekly pill boxes and do 2mg a day and see how that goes for a while.


Is it always a -10% taper, even with cry cuts and milk tritation? I am sorry, I've read so much on here but most of it is not sinking in.

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I'm not ready to accept that coming off klonopin HAS to make me feel like crap all the time. Naive perhaps - or just optimistic.


I would say optimistic, and that is awesome. That bit there made me feel tons better.  :thumbsup:

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first try to/get stable on the same doze. Find out what is the acceptable day doze for you and try it for one or two weeks. once stable you will try to taper.

Check in the postings of Summermedow - she has a good taper plan for klonopin.

Good luck and keep asking questions. Buddies are here for help.

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Milk tritation is not entirely out of the question, but I am not a fan of milk and with my coming schedule (gosh I hope I can handle it all while going through this).... I'm not sure that I will have the time to be fussing with milk and syringes and all that. I feel like doing dry cuts would be better suited for me but seriously what do I know at this point!


Also, I noticed about 2-3 weeks ago I was abnormally VERY tired. At first I thought maybe I was getting sick but it never went away, and then a bell rang and I was like I need to get off Klonopin.  I am on vacation from work since last Saturday and all I've wanted to do is lay around I've been on edge and miserable all week. My boyfriend had enough today and got angry with me. I had already taken my first 1mg. I said screw it and popped 2mg and went to sleep for 6hrs. I feel much better now. I can understand his anger, because most of my outbursts have been against him all week, he was so happy to be off work and I brought him down a lot. I'm going to be very strict with myself from now on. I will get one of those weekly pill boxes and do 2mg a day and see how that goes for a while.


Is it always a -10% taper, even with cry cuts and milk tritation? I am sorry, I've read so much on here but most of it is not sinking in.


Well, another option is to get a script for compounded liquid K.  There are other options as well.  Milk just seemed easiest and cheapest.


No, actually IMO I think 10% cuts are not wise.  I think we are better off making smaller more frequent cuts rather than larger less frequent.  A daily taper would be a good way to go.

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darkshadow - Thank you. Summer's posts are very informative and I'm so glad to see her happy and free. I wish I had joined here sooner. I am going to start a comfortable and regular dose immediately.


SG - If only I could get a liquid compound. Anything to do with doctors is pretty much out of the question. The last time I asked her for help she gave me a script for .25mg xanax and a referral to see a psychiatrist. I've been to this psychiatrist, they refuse to RX any benzos, and I applaud them for that. Anyway, I've been reading some of your posts about finding your perfect daily cut. I am very tossed between a daily taper and a slow one. Hopefully once I've reached some stability and figure out where I am at, I can make a decision, with the help of you guys of course.

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