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Hypnic jerks and jolts. Can people say when this got better.


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Hello everyone,


This is one of my favourite topics but I am being plagued by it, particulalry at night. Having huge jolts, particulalry down my back. Can people say when this went away?


Love Buddy

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Month 5 was one of my absolute months. But I have 5 days now of no sxs and when i did have some they were very bad so month 6 I have been pretty good.  I hope these jerks let up for you soon.  I was able to jog yesterday and it felt great.  But my legs are sore today.LOL  My body is just not used to exercise.  I am surprised my ass is flat from sitting on couch so much. :laugh:
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Mine very gradually dissipated over about 9 months. In the first few months off, the jolts were like severe electric shocks, but they got quieter and quieter over time, and by month 9 they were like tiny butterfly flutters and not at all unpleasant. Then they were completely gone, and have never come back. The jolts were actually my first symptom to leave entirely... it was a wonderful feeling, a clear sign that I was slowly healing. Hang in there!
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Thank you all of you. I need to keep hearing this as these jolts are my worst symptom! Did any of you find they got worse with hunger?
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Mine have gone away completely. They showed up in month 6 or 7 can't remember-- had them for a few weeks and then they went completely away.
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I quit taking Xanax on August 16th and I'm still having hypnic jerks almost every night. I started taking melatonin and/or Flexeril to put me to sleep. If I can go quickly into a deep sleep, I'm fine and don't have the hpynic jerks, but otherwise if I just fall into a natural sleep I have them several times before falling asleep. They're really disruptive, and the first night I had them, which was 6 days after my last dose, I thought I needed to go to the hospital. They're not as strong as they were then, where I would sit up straight in bed after having one and they would feel like I had been poked by a cattle prod, but they're still there. All I can find is that they do go away, but it takes time. I'm finding mine are getting better, and I hope to go off the sleep aids soon.
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Chair latte I'd be careful with the flexeril muscle relaxers, I know they make you sleepy and relaxed, but they can have adverse reaction in benzo WD and be dangerous causing rebound seizures. Becareful. Muscle relaxants lower your seizure threshold.
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Chair latte I'd be careful with the flexeril muscle relaxers, I know they make you sleepy and relaxed, but they can have adverse reaction in benzo WD and be dangerous causing rebound seizures. Becareful. Muscle relaxants lower your seizure threshold.





I have severe muscle spasms & muscle cramps and take flexeril 10mg 2-3x a day.  Cramps in legs, tendons, ligaments, and arms, shoulders, even palms are my worst SX.  Without them I would be about healed at 85 days.  Someone told me they are a dopamine agonist, so I quit taking them, talk about hell on earth, the cramps increased 10 fold to the point of tearing muscles and tendons it felt.  Before I quit, I was feeling great, had many window days.  I won't quit taking them, but I have bad fibro, with a bad spine, joints, many surgeries.  It's the one pill I plan on taking for a good while, until I'm totally healed up.  I've never heard it can cause seizures




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I know it can cause seizures if one overdoses on it. And if taken with certain other medications, it can cause a very serious complication. Your doctor should have gone over this with you. Flexeril has been around a long time.


Like all drugs, Flexeril has its risks. Its a personal decision whether to take those risks with any drug. It sounds like its helping you, and if you're taking it as prescribed, you should be okay. However - it is warned that Flexeril should not be taken with a benzo due to what they call a "potentiating effect." (In simple words, Flexeril may cause the benzo to act more strongly on you.) That can be dangerous.


All medications have side effect...ALL of them. Some are more dangerous than others. We all have to become educated on the drugs we take, and not just place our trust in our doctors.



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I was rx'ed flexerils for years with benzos, I never had any problems.  I'm not on any benzos or opiates now, just flexeril, clonidine & hydroxine. 
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  • 2 weeks later...

Mine went away at night shortly after stopping the meds. I actually didn't know I was having these while sleeping, and my spouse was the one to inform me. She usually goes to bed after I do, and she said my body was shaking so violently every 15-20 seconds that she was getting motion sickness and had to go sleep in the guest bedroom. I suspected something was up since I would have trouble falling asleep, which shouldn't be happening while taking Ativan + Ambien.


I would end up taking multiple Ambien pills per night (but never more than one Ativan for whatever reason). The only thing my spouse and I could think of was that I thought I hadn't taken Ambien because I was still awake after trying to get to sleep. However, in my drugged state I wouldn't have known that my body was jolting itself awake. I also had muscle spasms/twitches about 1-2 months out. My jaw would also twitch involuntarily sometimes, especially while eating, causing me to bite my lip or tongue.


I still get occasional twitchy legs while trying to fall asleep, but fortunately I no longer sleep like a person who's being being shocked with a defibrillator every 20 seconds. I actually have the hypnic jerks to thank for finding BB because my wife and I did an experiment to see if the jerking motions would go away absent the meds. When they did, I started searching online for side effects and then found lots of my other inexplicable symptoms could be as a result of benzodiazepine/z-drug use. Prior to this, my physician had run a full battery of lab tests (thyroid, blood cell counts, vitamin deficiency, etc.), and everything had come back perfect.

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