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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Temazapam taper withdrawal help needed


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I have been tapering off 3.75 mg of temazapam for the last 2 weeks.  I am currently at 3 mg and having terrible insomnia (on hydroxzyine 75 mg - which helps little if at all), shortness of breath periodically and gastro duress.  I know you know how I feel.  What else can I do to minimize this nausea and fatigue?  Not sleeping makes it 5 times as bad and when I just tried to take a nap, every time I closed my eyes, and put a pillow over my head, the shortness of breath returned twice as bad.  No sleep, and back to more of the same.  I'm only at 3 mg, I need to beat this drug and hightail it back to square 1.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Insomnia is most likely going to be a fact of life for a little while.  There are things you can try that may help a bit...not meds...I would post in Insomnia for some ideas to try.


The gastro issues are common in w/d and will resolve as you heal.  The shortness of breath is most likely anxiety and you may want to try some controlled breathing.  Breathe in, let it back out counting to five slowly... repeat for a few minutes.



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