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Travel - help please


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I need to travel next October (cruising trip with my family- I choose this way because I think it´s less violent than airplane). However, my anxiety is too high. But I really need to go.

Someone has a type of anxiety when you feel like a strong pressure on the brain?

I wonder if there is any natural way to reduce anxiety, and if there are medicines that help to overcome this torture.

Thanks BB

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The anticipation is worse than the reality...most people who travel have much more fun than they thought.  Just don't overdo it.
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Thanks Challis. HOw to avoid this anticipation? I know it is unreal...but I think it is the weakest point of my personality. I don´t want to give up, I need to go. I am really desperate. I am doing therapy, but on the other hand I estimate there is a lot of physiological component in this process.
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There are natural ways to reduce anxiety... deep relaxation is a silver bullet for anxiety. You do not have to be completely quiet minded. You can ruminate whilst you are laying down in a relaxed position with your feet elevated above heart rate, even if your muscles are tense from the w/d it doesn't matter. It is proven to reduce stress and anxiety. You could also look into your diet, cut out all things high in sugar, no caffeine etc. Eating oats almonds and bananas are very good as they have calming properties. You have to make sure you are sleeping an adequate amount each night also, so look at your sleep hygiene and ways to improve it. I am sure google can find you some websites on sleep hygiene. Stress and exhaustion are the main enemies that will enhance any anxiety you are currently experiencing so try to avoid doing too much physical work also. Good luck with the traveling. I wish I could go on holiday with my family if they were not so busy. I have been traveling the south of England a bit lately, which is surprising considering I was housebound for almost FOUR years.
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