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Feeling hot and sweaty support group.


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For all those that have heat ups, night sweats and body temperature symptoms.




I have had this in withdrawal badly but now I am lower it has started again and I get the night sweats really bad sometimes, makes it hard to go to sleep in the middle of having sporadic bouts of sweat pouring out my body...


Who else hates the over heated sweaty feeling?


This sucks... I always feel hot since I hit this wave...  :-[:tickedoff:



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Well, I hate to tell you. That sticks around for a while.... Not fun a all.... Just accept it, and don't let it pull you down further.
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Well, I hate to tell you. That sticks around for a while.... Not fun a all.... Just accept it, and don't let it pull you down further.


Agree. It can stick around. I drenched my sheets every night for a long time. I still get bouts of it. During the day if I'm too stressed I'll get a wave of heat and start sweating.

Hopefully it all goes away as we heal. Fingers crossed.

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I have had this a lot in my taper, in the first year the sweat literally ran down my body and yet I felt OK, I suppose I was high enough in my dose not to be too bothered by it but I would shower and minutes later I would be soaking wet with sweat again, I remember mopping my body with reams of kitchen paper and the smell was awful but it just ran down my torso, my hair always drenched also yet in recent months I have had little sweating other than from the heat here, I know the normal sweating from the benzo withdrawal sweating, the withdrawal sweating seems to come with a feeling of a lot of heat in the torso and it also seems to form beads on my face, this is withdrawal as it's pretty much constant and it simply is not that hot here now and yet my pillow cases and bedding are wet once again.


It will be cooler here in another month or two, especially in the evenings but now that I am lower in dose, to have this symptom back is really annoying as well as uncomfortable... as I type this sweat is trickling down the sides of my face.


Damn this drug and the withdrawals to Hell, this is no fun, I hope it means some healing is going on.



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Hi Oscar....My awful sweating stopped about a month ago........I feel improvements in my baseline, so I hope this s/x does not reappear.........I hope this lets up for you soon.....m
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Oh gosh, I too am sweaty, dripping hair, face, back. It starts with a burning feeling on my skin and then I just go red and the sweat pours. It is embarrassing when I am sitting having a cup of tea with someone - hot tea does not help either LOL.....I am in my 50's so I say it is menopause of course although I know it is related to w/ds too. There is nothing I can do for this surprisingly. I have tried the menopausal stuff and don't want to go HRT route but natural stuff helps but not a lot. I hope some day to be sweat free and benzo free. :thumbsup:
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HA, Moya - I feel ya sister!!  :thumbsup: I, too, am in my 50's and at first thought all of the sweating was menopausal stuff, but come to realize that it's from withdrawal. I can take a shower and still be sweating after - and this is after a COLD shower!!!  :-[
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Good topic, Oscar!!!!!!!


I had this one real bad, lasted about a month and a half. Terrible night sweats, and during the day I often felt hot and sweaty. My face would heat up for no reason. I started this little journey on August 1, 2012, which was high summer in Florida. HOT! I seldom went outside but felt too warm anyway.

Like all symptoms, it passes but not before your laundry bill goes up!



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Yes, even a cold shower does not help. I know it is anxiety and w/ds and my psychiatrist confirmed that there was nothing realistic to take for it, only let it pass and that it will get better as I go down on meds. When people comment, I just say it is menopause - hot flashes as I am in menopause so a good excuse.  I am already off a lot of stuff but the benzo is the bad one >:D Hugs to you dear, I was reading your post over on over 50's thread and understand your thinking around your daughter and not wanting her on meds. My daughter is 30 this year, also suffers from anxiety and depression and is off AD now so I am truly glad. She is home for a year studying and I am grateful to have her home  :smitten: We will look after one another this winter as we are real sunshine girls and the winter months can be dismal, so dark and dreary. I am taking up art this year seriously, I will get out there and paint. It is time to study it as I have wanted to do this all of my life. I will start with a class but I already paint so I will start at home again too. Hope you had an okay day today. :thumbsup: Moya x

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Oh my this is interesting, I've been having lots of 'hot flashes' and sweats and thought it was just me, I didn't think to think it might be the withdrawal!  I already went through menopause and those horrendous hot flashes and night sweats ended several years ago.  Since I jumped last week it's been the worst, like Joney said I can also finish up a cold shower and be sweating! I was blaming it on being summer in Texas with the oppressive heat, great another thing to be "thankful" to benzos for!
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Moya - I love to paint, as well. I took a watercolor class a couple of years ago and I absolutely love it. That has to be nice to have your daughter home. My one who is in college is thinking about coming home to do her Masters, but honestly, she'll probably do better if she stays where she's at. I would LOVE to have her home again, but she came home this weekend and was bored after five minutes  :laugh: You know the old saying, you can never go home - this is certainly true for her. My day was okay....I ended up not going into work and letting my boss know what was going on. He thinks this is only going to be a few days - I hope he's right. I was able to get out and go to the grocery store - so I'll take that as a score. However, while there standing in line, I started sweating like a beast! Oh my gosh!!! Seriously, it's freezing in the grocery store and I'm acting like it's 150 degrees in there. My daughter came with me and I said "Aaaaggghhhh, I'm dying!!" She gives me a look and says "no, you're not - you're hot"  :idiot: hahaha, nothing like a slap of reality!


Judy - you most definitely are not the only one. I never put the withdrawal and the sweating together, but it all makes sense now - I never had a hot sweat flash before this.



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i used to like it really cold inside my bedroom i even had a window unit in my window to make my room colder than the rest of the house, now it scares me being around coldness it worys me the shaking i get from cold because ive had a problem with seizures before :( it reminds me of having one
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In June when my prescription for Xanax ran out and I thought I could just wait the three weeks until my scheduled Dr's appointment, my feet started sweating for the first time in my life.  I was changing my socks three or four times a day.  Now I also had bladder spasms, severe neck pain, would wake up at night with painfully cortorted legs, (like a Charlie horse the entire length of both legs) but never ever thought any of it had anything to do with my Xanax.  When I started taking the Xanax again, the sweaty feet disappeared.  It wasn't until I found BB that I realized that it was withdrawal that caused the sweating (and everything else).  I am once again wearing only one pair of socks a day ! 
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I am thrilled my daughter is home for a year but she will most likely move back to Madrid again where she has lived for 4 years and loves it. She is studying again and home is cheaper than an apartment!! We get on well but she has done a masters in psychoanalysis so she is helpful but not helpful?? :crazy: It depends on how sensitive I am feeling :tickedoff: She calls most of my symptoms psychosomatic, a word I don't like. I have a virus/bug at the moment, can't shift the cough and sinus infection but she says it is due to stress. I am feeling and it manifests as sickness in the body. She may be right but gosh, the sweating is so physical, I am like a tap here. I have a huge wad of tissue beside me, more up my sleeve, I feel I have a leak all over my body but it comes out worst on my face which is so embarrassing. I will have an attack in the dentists, I just know it unless she has air con. I must get ready to go, dread dread dread.


KB, I get the sweating in the feet too, I am still in my flip flops and it is Autumn :crazy:


I could not get my meds like you for a few days and my whole body went into spasms so I cannot imagine what it is like to Jump from meds.  I still get terrible leg cramps during the night, have to leap out of bed to straighten the contortions but not as often as before. It is poor circulation according to my doctor but I think it is benzos. I am glad you are only wearing one pair of sox a day now  :thumbsup: Another plus to add to the good things of life.  :thumbsup:


Babyangel, I can relate to the cold too and when I am not sweating madly, I am freezing so I can get extremes which is very annoying. It is quite amazing what benzos can do to the body and the mind.  :crazy:


Judy, it is just like hot flushes, the heat just comes from within and beads of sweat start to multiply, awful so I am not sure what is menopause and what is w/ds but it is mostly w/ds from meds.


Keep the tissues and wet wipes handy always and I have a wet flannel by my bed at night when I wake up. What a drama?? :crazy:

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Moya - Good luck at the dentist. I get nervous there even without all the w/d stuff. Sometimes I wonder how much of this that I am feeling - mentally I mean - is psychosomatic. All of the sweating and stuff is definitely physical, but the nervousness and the constant need to be moving around...could all be in my head  :-\
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Where I live it's not considered very warm in the summer, but the humidity is extremely high - 80-90+%. Before this summer it didn't bother me. But for the past three months it's been almost unbearable. I'm constantly sweating. It's very uncomfortable and puts me in a bad mood.  >:(
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Joney/Terry and the sweat club.

I have to go back to the dentist today, more work but not as much as yesterday. I did have a sweat attack and asked to go to the bathroom before it became a tsunami and managed to get it under control again as the air con was on out there. Whew.

I am dreading it again today but we will see what happens. It is raining so that can make me even hotter :crazy: I will be in a bog before I go in there so best to go early and calm down inside.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,


I'm really sorry your going through a very hard time, it will get better.


I need your advice in regards to the burning sensation.


My bf decided to quit cold turkey yesterday , the symptoms aren't as bad as i expected , i know he can get through it , hes a strong guy, but hes having this burning sensation throughout his body, he keeps saying his skin is on fire.


How can i help ? is there any medicine that will help soothe his pain?



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I too have the burning sensation but it passes once I stabilise. I am not going cold turkey, just cutting but every cut, burning like bad sunburn. It will go - nothing to take for it. It is the w/ds stress on the body.
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I hate the night sweats, but I know it is my body's way of naturally flushing the toxins during detox so I strip the bed and remake, take a shower, drink water, turn on the fan and am glad my body still works. Eventually the night sweats stop!
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  • 1 month later...

Same thing here, feeling warm alday, feels like there is water running down my face,and when i sit down i feel warm, but my temp is normal, is mostly my upper body , face , and chest, yesterday my legs started......


When i stand up and walk around i get the shivers, and feel cold.....


I,am also meno, but i can not believe my face feels hot alday because of that.....

still on the pill, so i don,t understand anymore.....


What a mess.....




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  • 3 months later...

I guess it's been a few months since someone last posted here-is it significant that a support group on 'sweat' trickled-lol-to a halt in the autumn? Are all the poor hot and sweaty people out rolling in the snow? Who knows if the topic of 'sweat' will inspire any interest, again, but I thought I'd give it a shot.


I'm just in the middle of the Ashton c/o now (not even taper time yet), and my sxs have been bearable for the most part, but the sweating I've experienced so far has been kind of exhausting. For the past few months, it's like my mixed up brain/hypothalamus(??) decided to put me on a schedule i.e. app. every 3 hours. ARGH :crazy:.


From what I've read-here and elsewhere-w/d sweats are fairly common, and end at some point? I'm just a bit boggled by the regularity of my 'bright red face  :-[ /torso dampness/sweat behind knees' routine; it's impossible to get much sleep (at a premium as it is). Welcome to the unwunnerful world of w/d, huh?


Right now, the only thing that throws off my sweat schedule is being outside at about 20 below for a coupla hours-and at least when my personal furnace goes into overdrive when I'm inside, I can stick my head outside (not fond of the 'roll in the snow' approach!). NOT looking forward to summer...well, I am, just not the heat thing added to sweats.


Has anyone else sweated on schedule? I should be grateful it's not sheet soaking stuff-yet?!-but definitely very disconcerting, inconvenient, and uncomfortable!! An earlier poster said to think of it as your body shedding toxins; if so, I must be going for the mega detox?!

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I'm still hot and sweaty, although I have to say that much less than during the hot summer months. I just got off of my antidepressant and so I expect I'll start sweating whole heartedly again!  :sick: :sick:
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Glad to know I'm in good [sweaty] company, even if we'd all rather avoid all this excessive 'glowing,' argh.

Although summers aren't generally brutally hot where I live, all the same maybe I should consider a high arctic trip (or a 'low Antarctic' expedition)? Either that or cart a small cooler of ice around. With any [good!] luck, the sweat monster will at least back off a bit by then-fingers crossed.

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...I know embarrassment and menopause can have roughly the same effect, in term of SWEAT etc., but I am so not enjoying having my face flash neon red at regular intervals, in public :-[. I feel like Rudolph the Reindeer-with a 'shiny face that glows' instead of just the red nose. Not to mention the er, unseen parts that radiate heat like a big ol' woodstove.


Any inspiring stories of people managing to ditch this whole drippy business eventually, or theories on exactly what causes this w/d symptom, OR coping strategies??

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