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Please Describe Breathing Issues You Experienced During Your Taper


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Hi All,


I was hoping for some descriptions of the breathing issues you experienced during/after your tapers?  Hearing some others' stories might give me a little more confidence that my issues will go away.  :-\


1)  How did it feel in your body? (Hands around neck, pressure in chest, etc)

2)  How did it affect your breathing?  (Choking, hyperventilating, shortness of breath, etc)

3)  What tips/tricks did you use to alleviate the symptom? (Breathing exercises, supplements, CPAP, etc)



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This is post-taper, but I guess it's the same difference.


"Shifting my nerves" around a certain way, especially recently, results in a shortness of breath/lack of relaxed breathing feeling, which cannot be easily resolved with calmness, deep breathing etc..  Only approach I've really tried has been acceptance, diaphragmatic breathing, and calm thinking, which at least puts my mind off of it until it goes away. 

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