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It took me a little over 4 years to figure out that I got duped by my psychiatrist and to realize that the klonopin was the source of _most_ of my personal, professional, emotional, and spiritual problems. For others who figured it out when it was too late, how long did it take you?
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Hi prufrock


40 years!!!!!!!


Well, not really. On nitrazepam for 40 years for mild epilepsy. I had suspected it was partly to blame for a lifetime of depression.  I had no idea how much until I came off it last year, and I no longer have epilepsy.





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I had a feeling that the psych drugs weren't doing me any favors when I first started taking them but it was only when I was hit with full blown acute wd that I realized the profound effect they were having on me while I was taking them.
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