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Yikes the therapist want me to take Ablifiy & Topamax


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Yikes the therapist want me to take Ablifiy & Topamax



Yikes the therapist want me to take 2.5mg of Abilify and also 25mg of Topamax and still taking 100mg of Zoloft. He wants me to get off Larazepam. I was on 2mg Larazepam 1mg twice a day. Now I am 1.5 mg every week go down .5mg. It is too fast I told him but he thinks not. I have been on 2mg larazepam 10 Months now. Does anybody have any sugestions? Please I need some. SCARED  :o

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Yes.  That is too fast.  We follow Dr. Ashton's protocol of cutting no more than 5 to 10% off your daily dose every ten to fourteen days.  You could go faster if it was tolerable, but it sounds from your other post that it is not tolerable.  No need to suffer like that...your body is telling you it has to go slower.


Here's a link to the Withdrawal section of the Ashton Manual: http://www.benzo.org.uk/manual/bzcha02.htm#12 .  I would print it out and ask your doctor to read it if he/she isn't already familiar with it.



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