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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

will it ever end?


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Will I ever be able to eat normally again? Will I ever have the appetite and enjoyment for food?  Will I ever have enough energy to go out on the weekends with my friends?  Will I ever be able to workout and be healthy again without going into a wave?  My friends all think I'm crazy and just don't understand.  No girls wanna talk to me either. I can't wait till I'm better and start hittin the gym again and prove everybody wrong.  Anyone else out there who has come off benzos and put on some muscle and weight?  Would like to hear some stories for motivation.
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Yes to all of the above.....with time.  All of the things you want to do, I wanted to do as well.  I had to wait until my body was ready and little by little I expanded my withdrawal universe.  I was pretty solitary for several months, everything was too stimulating or exhausting.  Before benzos I also worked out several days a week, went to exercise classes, played tennis, skied.  That all did stop for some time.  I really didn't back into sports with any intensity until almost a year out. I did bicycle a lot from my 4th month though, it motivated me to be outside and not cooped up in my "safe" place.  Give it time, it's worth the wait.



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I'm right there with you. I'm a frequent gymer and hockey player. I had on all my hockey weight 205 lbs at 6'2" befor withdrawal last December and into January. Wasn't able to play. I try to get into the gym when I can, but my waves make it crazy hard to do anything active. I still push through it sometimes. But I'm 180lbs now. Motivation in the state that we are in feels impossible. But even if you can just RUN, that's something. Find somewhere beautiful and peaceful for get your heart rate up. Give it a year :) maybe I'll be lifting next to you then and won't even know it. ;)


We will recover. Heal and train the mind for now. When gym time comes, or anything in life, we will rep way way higher than ever before. I believe!

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