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xanax to klonopin reassurance?


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Hello all,  it has been a while since I have been on the forums.  I suppose that is a good thing!


Anyway, recently I started taking ~3rd xanax.  That was double my prescribed dose.  My PMD told me his hands were tied and told me to see a psychiatrist.


Long story short, the psych told me to up my Lexapro to 30mg from 20mg.  Also, he gave me a prescription for klonopin .5mg three times daily and told me to stop xanax.  He said as long as I take one in the morning, one at lunch and one before bed I would be okay. He said soon we can start tapering me off.


I'm just a little nervous.  I'll be starting the klonopin tomorrow and I'm terrified that I will have bad withdrawal or a seizure without the xanax.  He told me what I will be taking is equivalent to the amount of xanax I was taking daily and that this will not happen.


Is it true that  can completely stop taking xanax and switch to klonopin and not seize?  It's my biggest fear.


Any experience or advice would be truly appreciated!

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