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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

weight/muscle loss and butt pain


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For years I have had pain/burning on my sitting bones (ishium) from prolonged sitting, since I am wheelchair bound. In February I had severe weight loss and was at 75-80lbs. I lost even more muscle mass on my butt which I ended up getting injections in both with kenalog. I also was on a weight gain plan and felt relief after 3 months.


Now since I started tapering Xanax it has come back and I am fairly certain I have lost weight. Even though my apetite has been terrible, I still forced myself to eat and also drink Ensure, but I still think it hasn't helped. Some of it was pre existing, but seems worse since this taper


Is this the withdrawal causing the weight loss or is it a result of the poor appetite? Or is it just pain from withdraw?

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The withdrawal can cause weight loss from lack of appetite, and sometimes we're not aware how few calories we're taking in.  Most people put all the weight back on and sometimes more once the w/d is over. 



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I don't have MD, but while on a benzo my weight dropped to 89 lbs. I just wasn't hungry. Then, after going cold turkey, I had to fight to keep from losing more. This stabilized by 9 months or so. I doubt you will take that long, so try not to worry too much about it. Just keep trying to eat enough.

Good for you, toughing this out. Not easy, is it?


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Loss of appetite, weight loss definitely can come with withdrawal.  I'm also experiencing tailbone, butt pain and discomfort in other unmentionable regions  :-[. Not fun. Hang in there and be well!
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I also lost a lot of weight. A lot.

And on my okay days, I actually eat a lot.


I have butt pain as well.

Especially the tailbone.

Lizziebenzo, some other members experience that too. I can barely get off my chair some days.

Once I start walking, it feels better.

But it move like I'm 8 months pregnant when I get up from sitting on a hard surface.

And some days it's not there.


A pt can actually help relieve it. It's the ligaments surrounding the tailbone that shift in some way.

Weird how that happens due to benzo's. But nothing should surprise me actually.


So, yep, many people experience weight loss on benzo's.

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How are you doing, dystrophypatient? I feel so bad for you. You already have medical problems and now you also have this! I admire your courage, I really do. But you obviously have the strength to get through tough times, and you will get through this, too.



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I am getting by Eastcoast62, just pushing through. Trying not to get too overwhelmed, I know benzo withdraw is playing tricks with me and I believe it will be worth it in the end. Thanks for the encouragement, it really does mean a lot.


As sad as it is to say, some of this pain has really helped me forget or block out the benzo w/d symptoms. Weight is something that we can partially control which is nice so I keep focusing on keeping my calorie intake . Unlike something like bad tinnitus which we can only tough it out


Ensure really helps because it doesn't really make me gag or throw up. I eat as much of my solid meal as I can till I am gagging and finish it off with 1/2 or full ensure to make sure I don't miss the calories.


I have rx for Remeron which I heard helps appetites, but I am scared to take it after this xanax ordeal

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