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Emergency guys please help really need your advice!!!!!


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So Im on 100 mgs of Librium and 40 mgs of doxepin been on the librium since end of feb but total benzos this round since last nov. My insirance runs out in 3 days and my husband says NOW after moving we dont have the money to renew it after moving to socal. No insurence means no drs no doctors means no Rx, no Rx means I cold turkey off a very high dose of Librium for a very long time. What do I do? I'm going to die from this! Hubby says he doesnt care. HELP!!l
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I don't have insurance either. You need to call around and ask how much they charge for non insured cash patients. I found a place that charged $50 per visit and I think my prescription of Valium cost around $15 for a month supply. Start calling around, you will find someone to help you.
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I don't have insurance either. You need to call around and ask how much they charge for non insured cash patients. I found a place that charged $50 per visit and I think my prescription of Valium cost around $15 for a month supply. Start calling around, you will find someone to help you.

When you say they are u talkin about a p doc or addiction specialist or a reg dr?

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I believe California has the Medicaid expansion, through "obamacare". Is that not true? If so, you should be able to get Medicaid (which is good insurance) if you're low income, I believe 16000 dol per year for individual or 32k per year for family of 4. Check on that. Look into a group called "medi-cal"


Failing that, go to a clinic if you're in wd,  try to make a deal with a Dr. When I fell on hard times, my shrink agreed to give me 6 month refills without a visit. Was 200 dol to see him once, but for 6 months I just got refilled. Paid for medicine, which was luckily generic and relatively cheap. If you track up medical bills, do payment plans, negotiate with them (try to settle in cash for less than what you owe), pay what u can and move on. Take care of yourself first.

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I don't have insurance either. You need to call around and ask how much they charge for non insured cash patients. I found a place that charged $50 per visit and I think my prescription of Valium cost around $15 for a month supply. Start calling around, you will find someone to help you.

When you say they are u talkin about a p doc or addiction specialist or a reg dr?



This was a regular doctor, but they gave me refills for Valium.

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I believe California has the Medicaid expansion, through "obamacare". Is that not true? If so, you should be able to get Medicaid (which is good insurance) if you're low income, I believe 16000 dol per year for individual or 32k per year for family of 4. Check on that. Look into a group called "medi-cal"


Failing that, go to a clinic if you're in wd,  try to make a deal with a Dr. When I fell on hard times, my shrink agreed to give me 6 month refills without a visit. Was 200 dol to see him once, but for 6 months I just got refilled. Paid for medicine, which was luckily generic and relatively cheap. If you track up medical bills, do payment plans, negotiate with them (try to settle in cash for less than what you owe), pay what u can and move on. Take care of yourself first.


True. My Son lives there and you can get medical coverage for $1.00 a month through




I do not see the big problem people have with obama care. It's still private insurance, pure capitalism by any standard ;D  It's beats the government running things as they would screw it all up as they always do everything they become involved in something ;)

Obama care is not even close to socialized medicine. Same medical system with added cash flow so it can only get better, use it or someone else will :thumbsup:

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Tried going that route since my husband made 80,000 already this year it would cost us way more than $1.00 they referred me to medical, but we don't have all of the documentation with us like my birth certificate or the kids!  The kids are up in norcal.  Mine Im trying to do electronically but have no access to a printer and then have to get it notarized. My daughter had blood in her stool this morning. Tinnitus is pretty bad lately cause Im on two meds that cause it.  Don't know how much more of this I can take. Im still loosing weight and have been eating more than usual due to the doxepin and hair is still falling out and still doctorless. The doc I met yesterday wants to put me inpaitient in the psych ward of a reg hospital and pheno me since I can't make 5 mg cuts, my husband thinks this is a great idea, i however do not. Im very scared and unsupported at my inlaws.  This is terrifying. Help please.
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Tried going that route since my husband made 80,000 already this year it would cost us way more than $1.00 they referred me to medical, but we don't have all of the documentation with us like my birth certificate or the kids!  The kids are up in norcal.  Mine Im trying to do electronically but have no access to a printer and then have to get it notarized. My daughter had blood in her stool this morning. Tinnitus is pretty bad lately cause Im on two meds that cause it.  Don't know how much more of this I can take. Im still loosing weight and have been eating more than usual due to the doxepin and hair is still falling out and still doctorless. The doc I met yesterday wants to put me inpaitient in the psych ward of a reg hospital and pheno me since I can't make 5 mg cuts, my husband thinks this is a great idea, i however do not. Im very scared and unsupported at my inlaws.  This is terrifying. Help please.


He makes $80000 and can't get insurance?????

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I don't want to sound judgemental, but with 80k I think you can get insurance. My husband and I both working have gotten by with much less and we have insurance on top of student debt, mortagage etc.  I'm sorry, I know that everyone has a unique story, but I suspect you have either something you can sell, something you can sacrifice, or at worst, some debt that isn't important enough so that you can default on it.  Is really none of that true?
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Have no house to sell or anything if real monitary value we are living out of suitcases at my in laws my husband barely had money for gas to get me to the doc yesterday. I had to use my credit card which doesnt have much on it and the process takes 45 days.
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I don't understand, since I assume you're run into an unusual hardship but I don't know what it is. You have 80k at least in earnings. What are you spending it on? You need to analyze your bills and cut whatever expenses are taking that money, in combination with sell something to remove Debt and/or someone gets another job. That Literally is all that you can do if in financial distress. Maybe Dave Ramsey might help you, he's got good advice.
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My husband is currently unemployed we just moved here 2 weeks ago he's working on getting a job.  He has student loans car payments our rent up north was 2,500 a month plus caregiver at 1,300 a week , gas, 4 mouths to feed it goes pretty quick.  Not to mention all the doc bills. None of that was sustainable its why we had to move.
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My husband is currently unemployed we just moved here 2 weeks ago he's working on getting a job.  He has student loans car payments our rent up north was 2,500 a month plus caregiver at 1,300 a week , gas, 4 mouths to feed it goes pretty quick.  Not to mention all the doc bills. None of that was sustainable its why we had to move.


Alright. Well good luck to you. Hope you find jobs soon, til then a stoic life as you've blown through the money you had...if you either can't or won't cut your budget, then there's Notting more to say in regard to insurance. With 80k this year, I don't see you being eligible for assustance, so if you want insurance you have to cut something else, period. If you can't, then we just hope the chemical w/d goes well enough on its own. You'll need to be strong, and get through it until better days come. If you get really sick such that you need treatment, you'll have to take emergency services....it will leave another debt, you possibly file bankruptcy for It depending on your situation,


As for the children's health, you might be able to get the insurance assistance regardless of income, because they're kids (unless adult kids). You'll have to check California. In any case, I'd take them to doctors if 've needed and worry about the medical bill later. See if their school offeres free lunch for families on hard times - that's a free meal fir each of them at least. Learn to eat cheap but smart. A big bag of dry beans and a big bag of dry rice is cheap and gives lots of servings per bag, Also nutritious.  Baking your own bread saves money - the cost of yeast, flour, oil up front pays for itself after the first loaf, and you'll make several per flour bag.  Also healthier. Freeze loaves to keep fresh since they mold fast without preservatives. If you can, grow a veggie garden to supplement your food budget, as veggies are most  expensive and pesticide-ridden anyway....maybe that's something to keep in mind next year. Federal student debt can likely be defered if you harass the loan holder, though also likely to continue acruing interest. I do not recommend defaulting on student debt, because unfortunately it can never be discharged an has no statute of v limitations yet.


Good luck.

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Anybody who thinks 80 k gross income is some sort of fortune has never raised a family of four in the sf bay area. after taxes that can be pretty tight. It isnt like you're living large and blowing through it. Its doable because people do it but it can be tight.
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I don't think it's a fortune, but I do think it's doable Wth proper budgeting. Most people don't manage money Well. I've lived tight, and I've also made it out thru stoic living, common sense, an yes some luck to acquire good-enough jobs before funding my own business. I don't know what 80k equivalent is here, but I'm pretty sure I didn't earn it at first, as my husband and I came from nothing, yet still made it out. Not just though, out.
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Children are more expensive than student debt and it sounds like they have both. Until i had children I didn't realize how expensive they can be. Likely she could have budgeted a bit better but it is a little harsh to write that she's " blown through" her money like somebody wrote above. Thats all.


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My brother lives in Marin County, has four kids, 5 separate student loans (thanks to his ambitious ex wife and college kids), made $200,000, has an $800,000 mortgage and is barley able to pay his bills. And he does not "blow thru his his money."  That's what a divorce will do to you. And he just had major back and stomach surgery and his company just got sold and they laid him off. He is still bedridden from the surgery. This is what it is like to live in either SF or Marin County. And I thought CT was high priced.

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I know this is kind of off topic but at least like us in canada you don't have a 50% tax rate like we do.


If you make 80k a year you bring home 40 after tax.


My husband is a lawyer and between the two of us we made 130 000 a year and only brought home about 60000.


The rest goes to the government. And yes we have some free health care ( not totally free we pay for it thru tax and a separate health care tax) but it is pretty crappy. Not that I am complaining.


Good luck mommy, I don't understand the med insurance system in the U.S. There but at least you get less tax.

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"Children are more expensive than student debt..."

Really?  A kid or 2 costs ~$700 per month minimum, every month? Because that's what 60k of student debt did to me -- it would have been way more if my husband also had debt -- and in order to get out of debt, I was actually paying over $2k every month on the student debt, my entire salary, which finally paid off 3 years later.  I HAD to spend $2k in order to get out of the debt cycle, and I refuse to get back in it for anything outside of severe emergency.  However, that left my then-fiance paying very basic rent and utilities on a crap job (if I didn't have him, I'd have lived at home to make it work, and recognize my fortune in either case to have others to work with me through it.).  But really, I'd be pretty surprised to find out that people are spending $2,000 per month on kids.


Also, I've held off on having kids largely for this reason, and then also largely because I don't want to carry a child during benzo use or w/d.  But I digress, this isn't about my life story.  I also know that even with birth control, kids can happen unexpectedly, and I am in no way proposing that poor people can't have children.  I'm only proposing that people make their budget work, because at the end of the day, that literally is all that you can do.  I meant no ill intent to the OP (I'm sorry Mommyof2 if it came off that way) but I just literally don't know what to tell you.  I hope the best for you, that you two get good jobs and can get back on track, and start saving some in case something like this happens again. 


All I can think of in the meantime is, if you literally don't have income right now (or even if you do, but it's different because of the job loss or job change) then you can sign up for health insurance through the exchanges, and they can adjust your payment based on what you earn.  I've never actually done this, but I'm pretty sure they do.  Again, some states are better than others, because some states will actually give you Medicaid if you don't have income, regardless of disability.  I wish they all did, mine does not.  You should call their hotline and check on that.

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