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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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Now I know there's nothing predictable about this. I'm four months out and my worst symptoms are depression, hopelessness, dpdr, fear and anxiety. I am sleeping on the detox meds about 7 hours a night. As you know who follow me those meds terrify me. I can drive work two days a week and have really no physical symptoms or  pain.  How am I doing on the recovery timeline
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Satch, at 4 months out youre still pretty early. I think, axctually, youre doing well, if youre able to drive to work twice a week!!!

You're getting plenty of sleep, which is great (I envy you!). Your depression, Dr/DP, etc., are all standard withdrawal symptoms.

I know you are despairing lately, but that is also a part of some peoples recovery process. Its a horrible way to feel, I know. But do not give up, because you could turn a corner very soon.

Congratulations on being able to drive, to go to work! That's amazing, really.



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I agree the fact that you can still go to work and drive is amazing. I cant do those things on my librium.  Wish I could the dp/dr i have had ever since being on this stupid librium!  You are doing well, I think.  ;)
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Satch, I think you're okay.  As I recall 4-5 months was about the absolute worst with regard to anxiety and depression for me.  Relief started to come after that gradually.  At 10 months off, the depression and despair is gone, thank God!  I feel so much better, and just mostly deal with sensitivity to stress and some anxious thinking at this point.  It's going to get better soon.  I know that's hard to believe in your darkest moment, but it really will get better.  It's not the real you....it's your brain working so hard to heal.  You are going to make it.  No doubt.
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:(east I'm not hour. Every morning wake to the destruction of a good life. Feel I have no ability to influence the outcome of anything. Feel helpless and hopeless. No shot at holding on to the little I have left.
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