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I have gotten mean


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I don't know what has happened, I am a bitch from waking up in the morning until evening, then it lets up some but not gone. Everything hurts my feelings. By the way I only bitch at my husband. I'm not a mean person, I just don't know whats wrong. I have not been this depressed,/anxious since starting my taper. Any suggestions or opinions welcome.    Kay
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Your healing!  :) Your raw emotions are coming back, I would take that as a good sign. May be hard to convience hubby of that though. 
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And who wouldnt be mean and bitchy going through wd. Giv yourself a break Navita.

Do you find the depression to be severe? Like non functional depression?

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  Me too! I am so cranky and irritable and hubby is the main recipient. Everything he does lately bothers me. He's washing the windows and all I can see are streaks....before benzos I would have been thrilled. I am chalking it up to a damaged/ healing brain. It feels bad to feel this dissatisfied...I want contentment again! Like everything else....it will pass. Best to you.




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Thank you much for the replys. I guess my depression at times makes me nonfunctional.  I wish I had asked this question a few weeks ago. I need to stay with my buddies. Thanks again!!! Kayy
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I'm glad I'm not the only one.  My husband can't do anything right lately. As soon as he walks through the door, I don't know what it is, but I get angry at him. I'm not like that with anybody else. BUT he also treats me like I'm normal because I try to do what I used to do. I suppose they couldn't possibly know what we really feel like, right?


Jenny :)

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My mom just asked me to take a package of toilet paper to the basement. and I told, her, get out of my face! I apologized but the words were already spoken. :-[ ~~ Bets
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I totally feel everyone on the irritability.  It makes me feel very guilty sometimes esp the very moment after I say something negative. When we are healed, and I am certain we all will, do you plan to apologize to folks? Sorry if this is a strange qstn but sometimes I wonder ...
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I totally feel everyone on the irritability.  It makes me feel very guilty sometimes esp the very moment after I say something negative. When we are healed, and I am certain we all will, do you plan to apologize to folks? Sorry if this is a strange qstn but sometimes I wonder ...



I apologize right away every time I say something nasty. If not, I would have a list as long as Santa. ~~ Bets

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Man, I thought it was just me.  I am soooooo darn mean to my hubby, so many arguments as well now.  Hope it is a sign of healing. Hope.
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I know I've read somewhere that showing raw emotions, either mad, sad or happy on an extreme level could be a good sign. It makes sense to me. as the benzo's seem to just "flatten" all emotions. This was a least the case with my wife. And since she has reduced her Zop by 2/3 and stabilized on the V, ALOT of emotions have returned for her. Yes, I get snapped at by her, but completely understand and actually like it. Not for being snapped at, but just to see the raw emotion come back. She was so blunted for so long and seemed to have no sole.


Groove, my post was not to come across as sarcastic, if that's what your implying by your comment

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Guilty here too....was worse before I found BB because I had no idea why I was doing this OR how often. I felt totally justified.


Now looking through the benzo lens it is so obviously a w/d symptom. Perhaps one of the worst because we inflict pain on husbands and kids. I am working on getting rid of the shame and putting the blame on benzos, while directing my hostility toward the benzos and not my family. Takes deep breaths but having this understanding has allowed me some patience and gentleness with myself.


Yes, let's keep each other nice. Thanks for the post and reminder.

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