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Sleep Question


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I'm not complaining, at all, but am curious.


Usually after I make a cut, it disturbs my sleep.


After my most recent cut almost a week ago, my sleep has improved.


I'm curious as to why this would be.


Any thoughts?

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I see you are far ahead of me, once again. My question is maybe you are getting sleep after a week b/c the cut is now out of your system and your CNS is starting to get more stable??? ~~ Bets

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Well, maybe I didn't explain it correctly.


Before my recent cut, I was sleeping pretty good.


Usually AFTER a cut my sleep is disturbed.


But after this most recent cut, it was not disturbed.  I continued to sleep good, as I had BEFORE the cut.


I'm just curious about it because it's not the "norm" after I make a cut.


Thanks for your reply, Bets.  :smitten:

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Your taper is very slow...if u were a good sleeper to begin with, im surprised your having any trouble after such a small cut.


Interesting though that after the last one u didnt notice your usual change.


Take it as a sign of healing and go with it!

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Well, maybe I didn't explain it correctly.


Before my recent cut, I was sleeping pretty good.


Usually AFTER a cut my sleep is disturbed.


But after this most recent cut, it was not disturbed.  I continued to sleep good, as I had BEFORE the cut.


I'm just curious about it because it's not the "norm" after I make a cut.


Thanks for your reply, Bets.  :smitten:


Oh, I didn't get that at all. I should have reread it. Just count your blessings DG. Maybe b/c you are now so low at your dose, and since you have done a reasonable taper, your body is readjusting itself. And your glutimate and GABA have  kept up with your drops? Does that make any sense??? ~~ Bets

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