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Definition of stable please


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Hi Everyone

Last few months have updosed to 4mg due to tapering too fast

4.5 weeks in

Lot less anxious

Sleeping better

More waves of depression

Headaches and aches and pains

Stuffy nose

Metallic taste

Feeling generally pretty yucky

What is your experience in this matter to what is stable so as to start cutting down again

I dont know how people cope with high doses of v


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I would call stable a place where you may still have symptoms, but they're not getting any worse, and what you have are manageable.
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The symptoms are listed above

I have low grade depression but on this current dose it seems to spike at times

Will this get worse if I taper I am thinkin about 2ml daily


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Only you know how your symptoms feel. I don't think it's realistic to not have any symptoms while you are tapering. If you feel that your symptoms are stable, and they are manageable, then you could start your taper. You also need to expect for symptoms to come and go. Benzo tapering is very illogical, which makes everything trial and error.


If you're planning on using a 100ml liquid titration, then a 2ml reduction per day is a conservative rate. Just test the waters for a couple of weeks and see how you feel. If your s/x start to get worse you could try reducing the 2ml per day a bit.

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Hi Dp

If you dont ask me asking what kind of symptoms did you have

it sounds like the daily taper almost eliminated them

Is this the case for most people that try this method


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My major symptom was insomnia, with anxiety, depression and headaches (in that order) as my other symptoms. The anxiety and depression were usually a result of the insomnia, and headaches served as an "early warning sign" that my daily taper rate was getting too much for me. However, as long as I kept my daily taper rate at a rate that my body found acceptable, those s/x weren't too much of a problem, and I was able to live a fairly normal day to day life.


Daily tapering probably won't eliminate all symptoms, but it should certainly make those symptoms a lot more manageable. I think most people who daily taper will say the same thing.

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The depression I got was really a result of the insomnia, but I didn't get depression on its own. However, everyone has different symptoms. Depression is very much a normal benzo s/x.
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I feel with this swing in depression I feel I am not stable enough it's more acute than normal

I will not go up maybe a antidepressant however I am really sensitive to meds

I feel the local mental team have given up on me as they do not have any answers


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