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Please advice!!!!


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I have been suffering from GI issues big time, and today I had a probiotic which has added to my GI problem, my stomach is so bloated, I really feel like I manage to let out a big burp not a fart but a huge burp I will feel so much better.....has anyone experienced this I am just too uncomfortable...please help me please...



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Do you try to burp yourself? Like pressing down on your upper abdomen? Or repeated squats? Or bending at the abdomen? Any movement really. I'd recommend gas x as a medication but I don't know if that's safe in withdrawal. Movement can really help for bloat/gas.
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Hi bey :hug:


I started with GI issues when I hit tolerance and suffered right through my taper. Tt started to get easier in the first few months off.  If you never suffered with this before benzos, then it will disappear with time in recovery.


hang in bey



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I had some gi issues prior to benzos but they have become one of the worst syx since tol and thru my taper. I ve ended up with all these food intol too. You might want to try cutting out some foods. I know it can get bad. Laying on your left side for 30 min can give some relief. And walking. My hope is the extreme syx will vanish when I heal fully from wd.



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