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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

what happened to me yesterday!!!


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it  was  a  bit  crazy  yesterday  and today  there is some  left  over  yuck  but  tolerable  so  far ...  my heartrate  was  high  along  with  my blood  pressure ...  they  gave me the  mallox  cocktail  that  has some  numbing  stuff in it  .. helped  instantly  ...  but im  more  upset  that  they  shot  me  with  1mg of  ativan  ...  i told them i was  detoxing  and  of course  i  had  to  explain that im  not  an  addict  that im  a  army  veteran  who has  now  worked  in  law enforcement  for  15  damn  years  !!!  i wa  so  pissed  off .


now  what  happened  to me  im  not  sure  was  withdrawal  but  very  well could have been  ..  i woke  up  fine  but by  9am  i  was  a  bit delusional  panicky  and  almost  incoherent  shaking and  tremors  high  bp  and  heart rate  ( panic  attack.0  like  none  ive  every  experienced .  anyway  i  was  transported  immediately with  rescue  yelling at me  t  calm  down  and  asking  what  drugs i  was  on .


anyway  get  to the hospital  only to  be  asked if  i  had  weapons  hidden on me ..  all this added to  my  torture .  then  was  given  a  ekg  and  left on a  stretcher in  hallway  where  som  drunk guy  kept  asking me out  and  checking me  out ...  i  had  a  chest  xray  no  lab work  which i  thought  was  strange  ..  next thing  i knowim  in a  room  with a  o2  meter  and  given  the  cocktail..  then  i thought she  was  flushing my IV  but  she  was pumping in  1mg  of A.


i was  there  for  approximately  3 hours or  so  i cant  remember  because the  A  knocked me out  .....  WHAT  A  AMZING  DAY  RIGHT !!!!

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yes, it sounds like a crazy night. to avoid being given a benzodiazepine at the hospital just put it in your medical records that you are allergic to them and you will never get another one. I have that in all my medical records........lets hope today ends not quite so crazy for you.
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Miami, that sounds like a horrible night. Only reason this never happened to me is that I was extremely paranoid of doctors and hospitals back then...and absolutely would not call 911. No way.

I think benzocruel's suggestion to list benzos as an allergy is a very good one. They cannot give you something you say you're allergic to! ILLEGAL to do that! If a person goes through an ER that anxious, with cardiac type symptoms, yes Ativan is often given. What else could they give??? Not much, to calm a person down.

Unfortunately, the way you were treated is "normal."  Ambulance people, nurses, Er doctors, HAVE to ask about addiction, because if they don't, it can cause problems. They are trying to gather enough information to treat the person safely. I know, it comes across as obnoxious. You  may not believe this, but we medical people get quite anxious ourselves when confronted with an upset, terrified patient, especially one with a high bp, tremors and high pulse (we would wonder if there's a serious heart problem going on-). In a crisis, and in our too busy ER's, time is of the essence, and careful wording of questons is often ignored.

If all your tests were normal, then it probably was related to withdrawal. That doesn't make it any less real. How would you have wanted them to treat you (as far as meds go)??? Their job is to stabilize the patient, make sure nothing serious is going on. Sadly, there's precious little else other than benzos they can give to calm people down. I DO think they should have told you what they were giving first, but that's not the way it goes in a busy ER.



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thats true  EAST...  i guess i was  just shocked i was like  omg  they think  im  a  addict  but once they figured  it out they were very  helpful ..


thanks  for both  replys

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Miami...that sounds like a full blown panic. I Aldo took s few trips to er with b/p at 180/90 and scared out of my mind. The first time I went the same thing happened to me...1 mg of ativan...which was what I was withdrawing from...and a 3 day medical reinstatement. ...Several months later...same thing...to urgent care, but I told them I was withdrawing and they used a b/p med and benadryl ...things calmed down ...Now I have atenolol for spikes in my b/p. and I use benadryl only for a panic and it is effective...

.....so sorry this happened to you...hope you are feeling better....coop

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