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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Random Pains/Burning Skin


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I've been off benzos for a week and noticing random pains (intermittent throbbing pain mostly) in my stomach/abdomen and back (by my kidneys). I also have this burning skin sensation which feels a lot like sunburn on my left side that also goes up my back sometimes. Nothing major but it is really uncomfortable. I'm guessing this is part of withdrawal?


Just curious since prior to going on Xanax I had been dealing with some GI issues and pains in which tests revealed no real anomalies, so now I'm wondering how much of this is w/d or if I have some physical issue.

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GI issues of all sorts can be benzo related, however if you had some GI stuff going on pre- benzo, I'd push a bit to have the doctor check it out again. 
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I agree. It is most likely withdrawal, but its better to be safe than sorry.  The burning skin, I think, is definitely withdrawal. Let us know how you are doing!


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I don't know if its so much GI-related as just these weird pains that come and go in my lower abdomen. It's like a dull ache that last for a second or two then goes away. It happens at any time so its not like its being triggered by eating or anything else. I'm leaning toward w/d related but wanted to see if anyone else has experienced it.
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