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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Quick question - anyone think brain zaps are from over-concentration?


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LMK.  Trying to figure some things out.


No, I don't think so.  "Brain zaps" are very common withdrawal symptoms when one is getting off benzos and/or antidepressants.  As far as a more specific cause, that seems to be unknown.  But in time, they do go away....

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Sorry, I mean, I know they ARE withdrawal symptoms, but is over-concentration a secondary factor?    That is, depending on how far you are in withdrawal, the brain zaps will occur if you're concentrating above some abnormally-low level? 
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Sorry, I mean, I know they ARE withdrawal symptoms, but is over-concentration a secondary factor?    That is, depending on how far you are in withdrawal, the brain zaps will occur if you're concentrating above some abnormally-low level?


IMO, no.  ;)

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I noticed the frequency went way down, and I thought I noticed them happening mostly when my brain was working hard.  Hmph.
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Sorry, I mean, I know they ARE withdrawal symptoms, but is over-concentration a secondary factor?    That is, depending on how far you are in withdrawal, the brain zaps will occur if you're concentrating above some abnormally-low level?


Hiya Awave.  I have had a lot of brain zaps and also lower level zaps (which are more like flickers).  I have never found that they are brought on or worsened by concentration. 


However, if I am getting zaps or flickers then I find it is exceedingly difficult to concentrate.



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Mine did not seem from over-concentration- however the more I thought about them the worse they got. It was almost like I could "Will" them to happen. It is almost like a really bad "Startle." They will eventually go away for good.
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i actually had more stillness in my brain when concentrating and/or intense focus. i had brain zaps mostly when i was resting or dozing off. for me, the brain zaps occured when the slower wave lengths started. i would get bad brain zaps when dozing off to sleep in the very beginning. i think it's a slow wave kinda thing.
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i actually had more stillness in my brain when concentrating and/or intense focus. i had brain zaps mostly when i was resting or dozing off. for me, the brain zapz occured when the slower wave lengths started. i would get bad brain zaps when dozing off tp sleep in the very beginning. i think it's a slow wave kinda thing.


I have often thought there is just this underlying connection between that stage of sleep of just dozing off and brains zaps. I often described my zaps as having that feeling of jerking right before you go to sleep but you're wide-awake. It seems very related to hypnic jerks. I went through a real strong. Of zaps right before I fell asleep it was so bad I did not sleep for three nights. I'm sure there's some type of medical explanation for this.  Of course even though I saw countless doctors none of them could really explain why it happens. I was actually signed up for a second opinion with the neurologist but he looked at my MRI am basically called my doctor and said "there's no reason for her to come there's nothing wrong with her" (lol,  trust me I got this a lot in withdrawal. Along with some big-time medical bills.)

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I don't get brain zaps per se but i find when i strain my brain too much (such as reading or figuring out a puzzle) i'll either get  a pressure headache or my brain feels like its pulsating.  After that i need to shut everything out and try to find peace to quiet the mind.  Is this similar?
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Hi castillo-


The same exact thing happens to me depending on the complexity of the task. If I'm doing some light reading in the paper or magazine, it's not a big deal.  But doing a puzzle or higher-order thinking will set off head pressure. How do you deal with this? Do you think it's better to slog through when that happpens so your brain builds endurance or to rest the mind ? This is one of my major remaining symptoms and quite concerning.

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