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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Does this twitching ever stop?


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Dear Friends,


My goal is to provide a very good success story once I get all the way THERE. In short... Never had anxiety or panic... 45 years old... Doc scared me with a cholesterol number... I began obsessing on it as I didn't want to take statin meds...  As a result I had a series of panic attacks and could only sleep 2-3 hours... After a week of that, was given .5 mg Ativan for for sleep and instructed "as needed". Used it every night for 20 days... Was really afraid of NIGHT time and panic. Went back to urgent care for refill, other Doc gave me .5mg klonepin saying "this is similar but works faster" only took it 12 days. Quit cold turkey before I knew all that I know now. 4 days later INTENSE anxiety, 7 days later calves and legs started spasming 24/7. I ended up in ER not knowing what my body was doing. No answers. Have since seen new GP, neurologist, psychiatrist... All defend Benzos saying these twitches could not be from that. I've learned from peers like you all that it can be. Took Ativan again for another few weeks at .5mg twice a day. Here's the partial success story: been completely off all Benzos after taper, was only on a total of 3 1/2 months.. But legs still twitch non stop, as well as intermittent arms, back, etc. And right eye twitch and cheek goes off ALL DAY for 4 months now. Had EMG and MRI come back clean. The question I can't seem to get an answer on is will it EVER STOP? Or did my one time bout with insomnia/panic cause me to take something in such a small dose for such a small time that I'll pay for it forever? All these doctors shrug like it's no big deal and say, "yeah my eye and calves twitch too sometimes." Can anyone relate? I've seen some say they twitch here and there, but I'm 3 weeks off and have been twitching non stop for 3 months. Your comments are SO WELCOME. thank you

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Hello SincerelyJoe.  We're glad you found us, and many here have gone through similar experiences to yours.  One can become dependent on benzos in as little as a few weeks. Twitching and other muscle symptoms are extremely common during withdrawal/recovery. This is because benzos are powerful muscle relaxants, and when discontinued there is often a rebound effect.  Strangely, many doctors don't know about or acknowledge this.  These symptoms will stop in time, and they will go away as you heal.


Here are a few links you'll find useful:


Post Withdrawal Recovery Support.


The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field.  She describes and explains withdrawal symptoms, and there is also a section with withdrawal/taper schedules.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again, welcome!




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Hello I first had the the leg twitching when i first detoxed for a few months and it went away. Now I am 28 months out and it is back again. Now i am freaked out and getting ready ot have a EMG to check for stuff like ALS. I am very freaked out. But if you have just recently stopped, its the benzos causing it for you. It will go away. I am hoping its just benzo crap for me too!
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I have been on benzos for a little over 7 years. It started with xanax then got switched to klonopin. My twitching and muscle stiffness (as well as pounding heart about 8 hours after last dose) started in May of this year. I have been on 1mg of klonopin for four years. My symptoms have progressively gotten worse and was told I could possibly  be in tolerance withdrawal from being on that same dose for so long.  I hope to start my taper soon to get off this nasty stuff.  My twitching is pretty much everywhere but more predominate in my left calf. I have this weird torso tension that comes and goes as well. I've seen a neurologist but she wasn't very helpful and told me she doubts klonopin is the problem. She even wanted me to take more to see if that helped. No thanks! She thinks its more like an electrolyte imbalance or something. I'm also thinking about getting an EMG. This is scary stuff and I hope once I am off of the Klonopin this will all go away. Yuck!


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Twitching is a very common symptom in recovery from withdrawal. All of mine (eyes, cheeks, fingers, legs, toes ) have completely and totally gone! My severe eye twitching probably lasted the longest, with my finger twitching the shortest acting.


Cheer up! This is a very annoying but in no way life threatening symptom AND IT WILL GO AWAY!


M.  ;D

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