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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

When did you jump, and how was your "landing"?


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Hi all,


I am at a mere 0.02mg alprazolam (0.40mg valium "equivalent"), and withdrawals are...there, we'll just say.


For those who were more symptomatic in the low doses, what was your experience when you jumped? Did you feel better or worse than tapering?


I'm just looking to figure out what I should do next (jump or taper the remaining 0.02mg). Your input and experiences are appreciated, since you all are already free! :)


Thanks much, and take care,


Mrs. :smitten:

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I jumped at a big old ~0.08mg clonazepam (supposedly equivalent to 0.08 alprazolam, although not really).  That was the last day of May.  I barely noticed anything from the jump, but have only recovered maybe halfway. 


Don't rush it.  I don't know what it's like on alprazolam, but I had appreciable attacks due to too-intense-withdrawal.  If I could go back, I'd probably have done a 3 month taper instead of a 3 week one.

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I jumped at .0625 and the only change was that my perpetual headache went away the first day off.  After that, no noticeable improvements for awhile but no negatives either.  The fear of jumping was rather large, though.
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I jumped from .03125 of K and I did not notice any change. Towards the end of my taper, I started to feel better and better.  I totally understand why there is fear of jumping but I was so excited to be off that it overshadowed any potential anxiety. Great job on such a responsible taper!  :thumbsup:
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jumped at .004mg of K(i used a liquid titration for the final  10 weeks)


the "landing" was fine, in fact it took about 3-4 weeks before i felt true "withdrawal".


looking back, i probably could have jumped at a higher dose, but i dont regret my taper plan


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