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Dealing with anxiety and insomnia


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Having to vent once again.  Just got back from vacation in the mountains with my wife.  Three nights...no sleep.  Now at home I thought things might improve a bit.  Boy was I wrong.  Sleep has been more or less nonexistent the past two nights.  Frustrated, exhausted and really feeling down about where I am at now.  I have lots of little life stressors staring me in the face and just wondering if it are these things that are causing this.  They are minor issues that I would normally have not completely fallen apart over like I am now.  I came so very close to taking an Ativan last night...thankfully held off.  When will this end? 
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I'm sorry, Garton.  Not sleeping is so hard.  Do you respond to OTC antihistamines?  If so, maybe taking something like a unisom tonight could help break the cycle.  I wish you rest, buddy.
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Sleep troubles have been plaguing me since I quit Xanax cold turkey a little over a week ago. I used 10 mg of Flexeril and 10 mg of melatonin last night to sleep and ZZZSleep (has diphenhydramine in it, like Benadryl) to sleep the night before. Do you have any of those available to use at night?
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Hey, Chai, it's a great sign for you if you can respond to OTC meds in acute.  That stuff could not put a dent in my insomnia when I was initially off.  Nothing worked.  Great sign for your healing.
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Yeah, that would be rough if the OTC meds don't put a dent in your insomnia. It's one of the worst things to deal with, I think, because you just feel so awful the next day after getting no sleep. I did have some Flexeril that I used last night (not OTC). Have you tried anything like that? It knocks me right out generally.
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Having to vent once again.  Just got back from vacation in the mountains with my wife.  Three nights...no sleep.  Now at home I thought things might improve a bit.  Boy was I wrong.  Sleep has been more or less nonexistent the past two nights.  Frustrated, exhausted and really feeling down about where I am at now.  I have lots of little life stressors staring me in the face and just wondering if it are these things that are causing this.  They are minor issues that I would normally have not completely fallen apart over like I am now.  I came so very close to taking an Ativan last night...thankfully held off.  When will this end?


I'm there with ya. i was stating to feel a tad better and now have been having horrible depression...i hope we feel better soon. i wish this would end. hang in there and so will i. we just need to breathe. i wish i had answers for ya.

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Thanks for the support everyone.  Yes, it sure is miserable.  It adds to the anxiety and depressed thoughts.  You really feel disconnected with life.  I remind myself it is temporary and will end eventually.  I do use the OTC meds regularly, alternating between unisom and benydryl along with 5 mg. of melatonin.  That is hit and miss.  I just think the stressors in my life have caught up with me and knocked me for a loop.  I am making a huge deal over stuff most would just sail through with no issues.  Geeeez!  Really stupid I do this to myself.  Again, thanks for all your support friends...it DOES help to have some moral support.  My thoughts are with you all as you deal with your issues.
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I'm with you, Garton.  My anxious, catastrophic thoughts are my own worst enemy at this point, and they do indeed sabotage sleep.  Good healing to you!
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thanks so much Floc.  Same to you!  Wishing you a good night tonight.  I am trying to avoid even thinking about it at 4 in the afternoon.  What will be, will be.
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