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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Please help - feeling like my nerves are burning out from anxiety/stress


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This is a truly awful feeling, I feel like too much stress placed on some part of my body or brain causes the sensory nerves in that area to burn out.  I don't know what to make of this feeling but it is terrifying, it feels like my body is being crushed under stress.  All of this is accompanied by my thinking being radically rearranged in my efforts to avoid anxious thoughts - which unfortunately seems to have a lot to do with confronting things that make me anxious.


Anyone have this and get better? 

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Hi,  those of us who had very difficult recoveries have had similar feelings, some of which are difficult to even describe.  My nerves were so physically sensitive I felt that I had open wounds all over my body.  It was truly awful. But it was benzo withdrawal, it was temporary, and it eventually went away. At three months off I was still extremely symptomatic, and my healing took a long time.  But I DID heal. Please see my story, link below.


You too will heal.  Meanwhile, distract yourself in whatever way you can.  Distraction helped me more than anything else...






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That's good to hear.  My brain feels like the broken insides of a piano or something, like I'm being ground down by this stress - and I am working hard on distraction.
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