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I cant stop


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I was planning on starting my taper this month, and I just find myself taking more.  I feel hopeless, like I should just end it.  Rehab will cost me my job and my job is all I have.  I cant bring myself to tell my father because Ive hurt him so much over the years.  I need help and I can't ask for it.  I had a string on general taper plans I abbandoned because I feel like I've even failed the people on this site.  I'm tempted to just take them all and drift away
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I know how you feel as in hopeless. I feel hopeless myself and spent a lot of late nights or early morning searching suicide prevention hot lines. I am in extreme agony with this constant anxiety and my thoughts are with you. There is help out there we just have to find it. Hoping that we both can look back on these times thinking that "wow those were tough times, I am glad we hung in there".



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I was planning on starting my taper this month, and I just find myself taking more.  I feel hopeless, like I should just end it.  Rehab will cost me my job and my job is all I have.  I cant bring myself to tell my father because Ive hurt him so much over the years.  I need help and I can't ask for it.  I had a string on general taper plans I abbandoned because I feel like I've even failed the people on this site.  I'm tempted to just take them all and drift away


Hi, Brad. I'm very concerned about you. I know your job and family are important to you, but they need you to be alive.


Please understand that we are a support forum. None of us here are equipped to deal with threats of self harm. If you feel you are at risk for self-harm, please get in touch with a friend or family member or your doctor.


Let me refer you to our "Suicide and Self-harm" page, which is a useful resource:


Suicide Self-Harm Resources


We care about you and want you to be safe. Please get on the ground help if you are feeling like you are going to act on the suicidal thoughts. I had these thoughts for a long time before I was able to get off of Klonopin, so I know how strong they are. But it is the benzo talking. And it's very temporary. You will heal and feel better.


~ Mind  :smitten:


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You can get an abundance of tapering assistance here on BB.


We all want the best for one another, and that includes you.


Please don't do anything rash.


You can count on BB for help.



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