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Sleep issues/Mood Swings still after 14 weeks?


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Ok so I am still feeling good for the most part. Been steady at 90% average. I am still having the persistent sleep issues. Sometimes I get insomnia takes me maybe an hour or so to go to sleep sometimes I will kinda fall half asleep i guess but wake up out of it an hour or so later with what seems like alot of energy(maybe once a week, ill get up to go use the toilet and then go back to bed and I can fall right back asleep. On most nights I can sleep maybe 6 hours consistently and then go back to sleep for maybe another hour or so. Does this ever clear up for anyone? I have not had a single full 8 hours of sleep.


The other issue I am having is mood swings, more like anger attacks. Not all the time and not sure if its benzo related or not, but Ill be in an ok mood and then something small and trivial will get me riled up and pissed off about it to where I have lost my temper and broken stuff. Other times I will get real depressed and sad, nothing too serious but its enough to notice.

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Also does anyone else get I guess you could call it general restlessness later in the evening? Kind of like restless legs but real fidgety cant keep still.
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