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Anxiety coping tips? How long did your anxiety last?


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Dealing with pretty much constant anxiety, resonating through my broken-ish nervous system in waves.  I'd really appreciate some tips for dealing with this!


How long did your anxiety last, too?  I didn't think I was dealing with any anxiety besides over my other symptoms at first, but now I'm noticing it's just hovering there no matter what.  I feel like it'll disappear in a month or two, but who knows - I'm in a pretty stressful environment.

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My anxiety lasted about 2 months and maybe a few weeks. My memory is terrible at the moment but uh I probably posted somewhere in the anxiety section about it. The anxiety will go down in time, what helped me was deep relaxation, walking, eating healthily and exercise. Also you have to want to get better, a positive attitude is a must have. Good luck man.
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I'm into my 7th month and I still have anxiety issues, however, they're a lot better than they were at the beginning, plus I'm only anxious sometimes rather than all the time like it was in the beginning.
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