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Does anyone have body temperature issues after cutting?


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I have been so hot in the last few days, just feel internally so hot and have had some hot flashes on top also with sudden and excessive sweating.


Anyone else get this? I have had sweat just trickle down my face, it's definitely anxiety that brings the heat on.


I often worry that if I took a bigger cut I would over heat and that scares me...


BODY HEAT, PALPITATIONS and TERROR are the three reasons why I taper slow... I wish I had the courage to make even a couple of bigger cuts but I get really severe symptoms if I do and I can't hack it.


Anyone else?


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Yes, I have severe sweating. You are correct in your thinking, it is the anxiety that makes us sweat as well as our Endocrine system that has taken a HUGE hit. I can feel the sweat dripping down my back and my forehead as well. However, the worst of my sweating is during the night. I am soaking wet from head to toe. This doesn't make for a good night sleep either, as I am up about fifteen times, no exaduration, I counted.


This sweating has been since I started my taper, and not just when I cut. When I cut, I have severe anxiety, almost debilitating, but I try to push through, otherwise I wouldn't be able to continue to cut. I am currently titrating my doses on a daily basis, and have my eye on the prize... almost done. We will see what happens next... seems like no one is certain. I believe we all do recover, just when that is depends on the individual.


Good luck to you and keep up the cutting...


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Me too - I often thought I had a fever, taking my temperature to find that it is normal.  Often after I cut, I get a few days of feeling that I have the flu where I have a fever.  Excessive sweating also.  You are not alone in this...


Good luck to all of us!



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Yup, me too.......especially the fear and terror!  Yuck. Tried to garden today, trim back perennials etc, but couldn't handle the "fear" and extreme temperature disregulation. Sure would like to know what that is all about. I can handle the physical pain so much better than the mental anguish:(.
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Yup, me too.......especially the fear and terror!  Yuck. Tried to garden today, trim back perennials etc, but couldn't handle the "fear" and extreme temperature disregulation. Sure would like to know what that is all about. I can handle the physical pain so much better than the mental anguish:(.


I am weird. I get terribly cold. I went to the doc and she took my temp and it was 96 degrees. It is 75 degrees outside and I have a sweater on. Heaven help me when winter comes....~~ Bets

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It is reassuring to know others have the fever type thing going on, my bed sheets were soaking wet this morning.  :sick:


Thanks everyone, maybe I can learn to accept this symptom better without freaking out.

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