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Dropped to 1.5mg yest.....


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Made another cut of .125mg yest to put me at 1.5mg X....even though I don't know how each cut will affect me I am glad every week to get to the "cut day" (having survived the previous week!) and be able to do it!!! It's sick that a small cut from a benzo can be the highlight of a person's week!  :crazy:



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I am also decreasing .125 Ativan every week and I am also at 1.5. Tomorrow, I will be at 1.375! I haven't had too many symptoms yet. I am praying that I can keep tapering every week, but if I have to every 2 weeks, I am fine with that too. I just want to get off this evil stuff!!!!


Great job!

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I dont want to jinx anything but with each cut brings less syx. I barely felt this last cut, I usually feel cuts within 48 hrs. I am always waiting to get slammed and heard so many horror stories about being under 1mg and getting slammed too so I just cut and wait. And I am close to 1mg so only time will tell how these cuts will affect me. But forward is my only option!!  :thumbsup:


But now I am sick with a cold virus given to me by my very lovely daughter!! Ugh. But, I know this won't last though I can barely swallow!! Ggrr. Darn kids. Lol. I ll just drool all over the place bc I can't swallow from my sore throat!! I need a bib  :crazy:



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