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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

can I speak with Colin regarding valium withdrawal


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I had spoken with Colin in private messages and sorry if i did that wrong, is he still involved with getting

titration plans.


anyway i have gotton a lot of help from diaz-pam and SG57,


i was on ativan or 2 1/2 months--1 mg and crossed over to valium because i was so sick and dropping huge amounts of weight. i have 2 weeks to go before tapering.


my dosage is 2mg 5 x a day, i.e. 4 a.m. 8 a.m. noon, 4 p.m. 8p.m. because my psychiatrist wanted me to drop 2mg a month, but my doctor felt that would be too much and suggested titrating through milk. so i since i am using 2mg pills, i will titrate 2 mg at a time versus cutting the pill and will be reducing 1ml in 100ml milk for 2 weeks to see if there are any withdrawal symptoms, and if i'm ok i'll go up to 1.5 (3ml) and keep in there--reaching 1 mg reduction about 38 days, and I will keep in on that at 3ml until i become symptomatic. one thing about it, i'm keeping it so low that once i get to the lower number i won't have to go too far to adjust--and it is 10 months (if no problems) versus 6.


i'd rather go slow and safe versus the 2mg removal a month.


just wanted an opinion.

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