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Has anybody noticed we are all intelligent?


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As I spend more time on this board, I notice that all of the people in our predicament are intelligent people.


Everybody is able to construct a cogent sentence. Everybody is able to spell and nobody uses text lingo. Everybody is able to express themselves clearly.


I wonder if there is a link between intelligence and benzo use. Maybe dumb people don't have anxiety.

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As I spend more time on this board, I notice that all of the people in our predicament are intelligent people.


Everybody is able to construct a cogent sentence. Everybody is able to spell and nobody uses text lingo. Everybody is able to express themselves clearly.


I wonder if there is a link between intelligence and benzo use. Maybe dumb people don't have anxiety.


I've noticed the same thing!  I think there is probably a link between intelligence and sensitivity, perhaps even the kind of over-sensitivity and perfectionism that would lead one to be prescribed benzos for anxiety, etc.  I know that's true in my case.  Perhaps we should start a support group for high-IQ former benzo users, and call it "Bensa."



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As I spend more time on this board, I notice that all of the people in our predicament are intelligent people.


Everybody is able to construct a cogent sentence. Everybody is able to spell and nobody uses text lingo. Everybody is able to express themselves clearly.


I wonder if there is a link between intelligence and benzo use. Maybe dumb people don't have anxiety.


I've noticed the same thing!  I think there is probably a link between intelligence and sensitivity, perhaps even the kind of over-sensitivity and perfectionism that would lead one to be prescribed benzos for anxiety, etc.  I know that's true in my case.  Perhaps we should start a support group for high-IQ former benzo users, and call it "Bensa."




I love it!  ;D

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As I spend more time on this board, I notice that all of the people in our predicament are intelligent people.


Everybody is able to construct a cogent sentence. Everybody is able to spell and nobody uses text lingo. Everybody is able to express themselves clearly.


I wonder if there is a link between intelligence and benzo use. Maybe dumb people don't have anxiety.


I've noticed the same thing!  I think there is probably a link between intelligence and sensitivity, perhaps even the kind of over-sensitivity and perfectionism that would lead one to be prescribed benzos for anxiety, etc.  I know that's true in my case.  Perhaps we should start a support group for high-IQ former benzo users, and call it "Bensa."



"Bensa." Ha ha! Don't you mean Mensa? Sorry, but I am already a member of that group. However, I don't know why.....Mensa=benzos? How could I possibly be a member and get tricked into using K? .....



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As I spend more time on this board, I notice that all of the people in our predicament are intelligent people.


Everybody is able to construct a cogent sentence. Everybody is able to spell and nobody uses text lingo. Everybody is able to express themselves clearly.


I wonder if there is a link between intelligence and benzo use. Maybe dumb people don't have anxiety.


I've noticed the same thing!  I think there is probably a link between intelligence and sensitivity, perhaps even the kind of over-sensitivity and perfectionism that would lead one to be prescribed benzos for anxiety, etc.  I know that's true in my case.  Perhaps we should start a support group for high-IQ former benzo users, and call it "Bensa."


"Bensa." Ha ha! Don't you mean Mensa? Sorry, but I am already a member of that group. However, I don't know why.....Mensa=benzos? How could I possibly be a member and get tricked into using K? .....





Hi benzogirl, I've corrected your quotes above.  And, yes, I did mean "Bensa."  It's a joke, see.....


And yes, it is possible to be a member of Mensa and get "tricked" into using benzos.  I am, an I did.  ::)

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As I spend more time on this board, I notice that all of the people in our predicament are intelligent people.


Everybody is able to construct a cogent sentence. Everybody is able to spell and nobody uses text lingo. Everybody is able to express themselves clearly.


I wonder if there is a link between intelligence and benzo use. Maybe dumb people don't have anxiety.


Brian, I'm dumber than a bag of rocks and I'm on here on behalf of my wife  :laugh:

So I think your on to something here

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I also noticed that but what's interesting is that most people here come from Northern "drinking cultures"


France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Sweden, UK, Russia etc.    I think there's a genetic component at work here.  10,000 years of drunken ancestry buys us all an extra large benzo headache from our alcohol/benzo deficient gabaA gene.


We were almost born needing some outside chemical help and it worked for a short while anyhow :laugh:

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As I spend more time on this board, I notice that all of the people in our predicament are intelligent people.

Everybody is able to construct a cogent sentence. Everybody is able to spell and nobody uses text lingo. Everybody is able to express themselves clearly.

I wonder if there is a link between intelligence and benzo use. Maybe dumb people don't have anxiety.

I've noticed the same thing!  I think there is probably a link between intelligence and sensitivity, perhaps even the kind of over-sensitivity and perfectionism that would lead one to be prescribed benzos for anxiety, etc.  I know that's true in my case.  Perhaps we should start a support group for high-IQ former benzo users, and call it "Bensa."

"Bensa." Ha ha! Don't you mean Mensa? Sorry, but I am already a member of that group. However, I don't know why.....Mensa=benzos? How could I possibly be a member and get tricked into using K? ....



Me too, Megan but I keep it  a secret so don't tell anyone.  :D 

No one would be able to tell right now with all this cog fog. 


I sure do know a lot, it is just a shame I can't remember any of it.  :crazy:


I think intelligent people may be more sensitive, and therefore also more sensitive to drugs.





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Sorry folks, a high IQ does not mean we can post correctly!!!!


Don't know why my post looks like another quote.


I am sure Megan will know.  ;D  :laugh:;D 


The higher the IQ, the closer to madness.  >:D


LF  :crazy:



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Sorry folks, a high IQ does not mean we can post correctly!!!!


Don't know why my post looks like another quote.


I am sure Megan will know.  ;D  :laugh:;D 


The higher the IQ, the closer to madness.  >:D


LF  :crazy:


No problem.....you were quoting post #4, in which benzogirl posted inside my quote rather than beneath it.  This is an easy mistake to make, I've done it but I usually catch it (not always).  I "corrected" the quotes in post #6.  But then, I'm pretty anal about these things......



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As I spend more time on this board, I notice that all of the people in our predicament are intelligent people.


Everybody is able to construct a cogent sentence. Everybody is able to spell and nobody uses text lingo. Everybody is able to express themselves clearly.


I wonder if there is a link between intelligence and benzo use. Maybe dumb people don't have anxiety.


I've noticed the same thing!  I think there is probably a link between intelligence and sensitivity, perhaps even the kind of over-sensitivity and perfectionism that would lead one to be prescribed benzos for anxiety, etc.  I know that's true in my case.  Perhaps we should start a support group for high-IQ former benzo users, and call it "Bensa."



"Bensa." Ha ha! Don't you mean Mensa? Sorry, but I am already a member of that group. However, I don't know why.....Mensa=benzos? How could I possibly be a member and get tricked into using K? .....




I got the joke. I was just trying to be foolish.....Didn't realize that I made my reply in your quote, Still have lots to learn here....

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Hi megan


Thanks for that.  :D


I sat the Mensa test while on benzos? Did you?    >:D >:D>:D


Not that I am competitive or anything like that!!!!!????




LF  :smitten:





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Hi megan


Thanks for that.  :D


I sat the Mensa test while on benzos? Did you?    >:D >:D>:D


Not that I am competitive or anything like that!!!!!????




LF  :smitten:


No, fortunately I took the test long before I was put on Xanax..... ;)

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I'm never going to be in MENSA. I don't have a particularly high IQ.


I am educated and well read.


Most of all, I think on my feet. That is why I didn't mind standing up in front of cameras, day after day, and answering question after question, sometimes on live television. I was always confident in my ability to say the right thing spontaneously.

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There are many different kinds of intelligence.


IQ tests focus on particular kinds of knowledge and skills.


People who score highly in IQ tests, including myself, can be quite deficient in other areas.


I am known for my lack of common sense and practical abilities.  >:( >:(


And that was before cog fog set in.  :crazy: what a disaster!!!!?


I guess we just have to accept our weaknesses and enjoy our strengths.


LF  :smitten:







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Hi Brian,


LF is right.  We all have different abilities. I'm very shy and self conscious, and couldn't even imagine being on live tv or speaking in public.  I have social anxiety and performance anxiety, which, along with occasional panic attacks, were the reason I was put on Xanax in the first place.



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I have noticed this as well, in fact it has made me very self conscious on how I write on here because everyone sounds so well educated. I also think the majority of us our introverted.
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Hi jenny


Don't worry about how you write. We all have cog fog anyway and won't notice.  :crazy:


I am certainly an introvert but some BBs have described themselves as being very sociable prior to benzo withdrawal.


I am also a "theorizer" according to a well known personality test. Myers-Brigg, I think.


If you want something done, ask somebody else.  ;D



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My nature is to be extroverted. I lived in public life for fifteen years in politics. I fought public duels. I had the Nazi party take aim at my family. I publicly dueled with city councilmen and led a recall effort of a mayor. I am not a planner or a detail person. I am a person that runs by instinct.


I also did things I am ashamed of now; things I should have been ashamed of when I did them. I ruined careers. Dug up dirt on people and leaked it. I played hardball


Benzos sort of dulled that instinct. Not entirely, but some. I was less prone to go for the jugular when I started taking benzos.


Today, I am out of public life. If I never see my face on television again, I'm cool with that. I'm a nice person now. Too much poison and too much evil finally convinced me to change my ways.


I never relied on a high IQ. I don't have one. But if you're in the trenches, a guy like me can find a way out for you. That's what I do well.


Am I smart? I'd say yes. But only if you consider a person who is savvy smart.

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I've always been able to take a bunch of information--the big picture and the details--, assemble it all together and figure out what it all means in an intuitive manner, not sure how that's measured in IQ.  I guess I able to "get it" rather quickly.  My father was very intelligent, Army intelligence test qualified him for Mensa; mother always said he could "damn near do square root in his head," just a saying for intelligent.  I'm half Polish, not sure if that's smart or dumb.  Always ran around with the smart kids in school, dated #1 ranked in the class of about 700. 
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I have often read that the more intelligent creative people suffer from anxiety and ocd. Maybe we need to channel that creativity into something more productive.
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