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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Awful day.


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I had to go to the mall with my daughters for school clothes. I felt ok today so I thought I would be fine. I walked in the mall and felt so strange I can barely explain.  I felt dizzy, foggy, my perception was off it was terrible. Immediately I felt congested, my thoughts started racing...I'm home and hysterical. I'm certain I have really hurt my brain.  Dear God how will I return to college next Tuesday. I can't focus on a tv show or long enough to clean my house. I'm falling apart, I'm sad, depressed, scared and I have this intense feeling like "I can't take anymore"

None of this was as bad during my taper. It's been weeks of feeling like I want to climb out of my skin. I have no windows really, maybe an hour or two of feeling ok. I had weeks of feeling good during my taper.  I'm losing hope.

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I had to go to the mall with my daughters for school clothes. I felt ok today so I thought I would be fine. I walked in the mall and felt so strange I can barely explain.  I felt dizzy, foggy, my perception was off it was terrible. Immediately I felt congested, my thoughts started racing...I'm home and hysterical. I'm certain I have really hurt my brain.  Dear God how will I return to college next Tuesday. I can't focus on a tv show or long enough to clean my house. I'm falling apart, I'm sad, depressed, scared and I have this intense feeling like "I can't take anymore"

None of this was as bad during my taper. It's been weeks of feeling like I want to climb out of my skin. I have no windows really, maybe an hour or two of feeling ok. I had weeks of feeling good during my taper.  I'm losing hope.


Hi, let me assure you that what you through at the mall is very, very common, and it's totally normal at this point.  These are all benzo withdrawal symptoms. Many do have temporary agoraphobia (I did), as well as all the other symptoms you mention.  Don't worry, it's notmal, and it will go away in time.....

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I agree, all very common. You have not been off that long. I am three months off and have struggled with this too. Dont lose hope! It gets better with time.
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Mina, if I read the dates correctly, you're in acute w/d.  This is the absolute worst of it, and what you feel is normal.  Back in Dec, a month after my jump, I went to see a comedy in a movie theater.  I was in panic and had to leave after a while because I was losing it from fear.  I am SO much better now,  and it's just a bad memory at this point.  Keep going!  You're going to make it.  Your brain is working so hard to heal right now.
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Thank you guys I'm holding on by a thread here. I jumped July 11 my whole life is one panic attack. I have non-stop physical symptoms as well as anxiety. No windows it's pretty constant at this point, maybe a few hours I will feel ok. Mornings and now nighttime are awful for me. I look forward to sleeping that is my only peace. 
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Thank you guys I'm holding on by a thread here. I jumped July 11 my whole life is one panic attack. I have non-stop physical symptoms as well as anxiety. No windows it's pretty constant at this point, maybe a few hours I will feel ok. Mornings and now nighttime are awful for me. I look forward to sleeping that is my only peace.


As my good buddy Nova tells me: On the hard days, chop wood -- carry water. Rinse, repeat.


Proud of you, C :) You're gonna make it, and you're gonna be okay :)


Sending love buddy,


Mrs. :smitten:

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I know it is extremely hard to believe when you feel like this, but it will get better. Have you tried exercise? Maybe a walk? Hang in there. Sending healing prayers!
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Yes I have been able  to tolerate walks since June. Since my jump I get panicky sometimes if I walk too far from my house. I feel like I will pass out but I have kept up with walking. I have picked up yoga, meditation, healthy eating but none of these things help since the jump :(


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I've been drinking chamomile tea from time to time, and I've noticed that it is offering relief. It has a nice calming effect for me :) You decide for you what is best of course :)


Hope you're feeling better today :) How are you? Take care buddy :)


Mrs. :smitten:

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