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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Why does depression come and go?


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I am almost certain my depression is caused from the clonazepam. I have really never been clinically depressed until my dose was raised to 3mg and ever since, I've struggled with depression/apathy. I realize tapering will mess with my anxiety but I've already decreased from 3mg to 2.5 mg and I still get mood swings into depression. Is this to be expected until the clonazepam has been completely eliminated. God I hate that drug 😞
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We ALL hate these drugs. If we didn't hate them, then we would continue to take them and lead a life of misery w/o even knowing it.  Yes, K and other benzos  can cause depression. They are in the class of depressive drugs, so don't you think that makes sense? When you taper, it might get worse. Benzo withdrawal is not linear, so symptoms come and go as they please. You might feel great for one week, and the BAM! You are hit with more depression and maybe even other w/d symptoms. You just have to roll with the punches, as it won't last forever. It's tough, but doable. Good luck to you.  :smitten: Bets
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