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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Is there hope.


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:Everyday feels hopeless. No end in sight to this horror.  I have a chance to go to pa and join a fellow recovering benzo sufferer and shut my life down. What do you guys think buddies.
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What do you mean by "shut your life down"?? That sounds so negative. There IS hope! My god, Satch, read my Success Story. I have pretty much recovered. It was a long hard road, and I didn't think it would end but it did. It ended. It will for you, too. But you have to keep trying to be positive and hopeful. You've got to make distraction at real habit.

If living with your friend would be a positive thing, maybe its a good idea. But it kind of depends on his/her personality, how they are handling their own withdrawal. Keep talking, okay?


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Just see no out from this mess. Life is over. No fun or joy ever again. Can't have a beer with friends ever again. East you healed but it took so long. I'm running out if steam.
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So what if it took a long time??!!?? That's ME, not you. I survived it, and so can you. Its possible that some of your depression is caused by withdrawal. If you always keep that in mind, you can fight it a lot easier.

Something I learned in therapy years ago: everytime I had a negative thought ("Life is over") I was to turn it around and consciously think the opposite ("Life is just beginning for me.") Doing this didn't come naturally. It took practice. Finally, it became sort of a habit and I used this tool during withdrawal. You could do it, too.

"No fun or joy ever again" = "I will have fun and joy again"

"Cant have a beer with friends ever again" = "I will be able to have a beer with friends again."

"Just see no out

from this mess" = "Time will heal me. Time is my friend."


Satch, I was taught to write these things down. I kept a notebook, and wrote in it all the time, both a journal and a place to turn negative thoughts into positive. You can do this, too. Its not hard! Keep the notebook near where you sit, and take it to your bed at night. If you have an upsetting dream, write that down, too, while its fresh. You may be surprised when you read these later and realize the symbolism and messages in your dreams.

I feel like I say this 20 times a day but......we all need to take an active role in our recovery. We all heal in time, but doing things to help it will make it a whole lot easier to bear. Learning these little tricks really helps, and theres tons more of them. Only you can figure out what works best for you.


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Don't give up satch. You could have some amazing times ahead of you when you have healed. I've thought this way at times but something keeps me going. I guess the need to cling to life and what it could offer when I'm healed. People do recover. I wish it didn't take so flippin long but people do recover. Keep going. It's so very hard, I know, but you will reach the finishing line. One day you will get a window then more windows and in time your life will come back to you.


Don't give up.

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