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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

See a psych or deal with it?


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Im going through a very depressed period at almost 3 months out. A lot of anxiety & social anxiety, mood swings, brain fog, DP, speech problems etc.. and mostly, severe depression.

I got my Valium illegally when I was using and haven't been in contact with a doctor during or after my usage. Where I live it's a pretty big felony using benzos illegally.


I have no suicidal thoughts, but I'm still very very miserable. Can't talk to anyone. I kinda don't wanna see a doc right now, I'm afraid they will judge me on my symptoms, but maybe I need to see one?

Anyone have any thoughts about this? Has it helped you to see a psych after your withdrawal? Anyone done this without a doc?

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I didn't see any doctors during my own w/d (until almost at the end)... afterwards there was no need, my symptoms merely needed time.  Any interaction with a doctor led to offers of more drugs...
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Hello -

You did a rapid taper, so your symptoms aren't at all surprising. But congratulations on getting off! THAT is what counts.

It depends on why you want to see a psych doctor. If you just need to talk, a counsellor or therapist might be much better. And if you think you need a medication - I hope you will think twice. In the US, psychiatrists really don't do any sort of therapy. All they do is "manage medications." Its a shame but its the way it is.

Don't worry about being judged. In fact, you don't need to go into detail about withdrawal - you are seeking help for depression, and it doesn't matter what is causing it. Your history of "self medication" is important, but the fact that you got off without help is the REAL story! And one you should be proud of.

Are you on any medications or illegal drugs now? How about alcohol? All drugs, including alcohol, can cause depression.


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I started to see someone at 14 days off. At first I went every week as my symptoms were horrific. As time went by my symptoms lessened and so did my visits. I still go maybe once every 6 weeks now, just to kind of check it. You know I lived with myself everyday and sometimes it is hard to see the progress. It was nice to have a outsider tell me how well I was progressing. In my opinion I think it is work checking out.
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If you were able to find a doctor who is benzo wise I would say yes, but if you are sure it is benzo wd there is nothing any of them can really do but add more drugs. A benzo wise doc can't alleviate benzo symptoms but would be able to provide you with some much needed validation.


It really comes down to whether or not you think there could be anything else going on. For me it has always been cut and dried but I realize for others it might not be so simple.

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Not using any other drugs, no alcohol, no sugar or caffeine, on a very strict diet where I've eliminated a lot of different foods. Getting my sleep. Working way to much though. In a pretty stressful environment most of the time but fear to slow down my pace cus I get so anxious when not working. It's like all my symptoms blow up as soon as I have time off and can't get distracted.


The feeling I hate the most is the feeling that I might be going insane. I guess this is part of the symptoms as I've seen other people having the same issue. It's just that the feeling is so strong. I'm at work trying to talk with my work mates, and always feel that they're thinking something is way off with me. Having to follow all this w/d stuff about not eating sugar, avoid alcohol, caffeine etc. Always trying to figure out how I feel, searching for new symptoms. Looking at benzo buddies all the time.

And then all the real symptoms with anxiety, deep depression, speech problems, paranoia, intrusive thoughts, fears, tiredness etc etc..

It sure feels like I'm a crazy person all the time


Feels like in prison

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If seeking help from a doctor about WD there's really nothing they can do that you can't do or are already dealing with through the WD. But as far as a psychiatrist or therapist that can go a very long way in helping you succeed and get through. CBT/regression therapy coping skills venting problem solving skills ect. All great stuff.
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ABT, you did two very rapid tapers, and that's having a major impact on your cns right now. All of what you're going through is the result of w/d. If you feel comfortable talking to a therapist about it, as FG said, make sure it's someone who is very familiar with benzo w/d. Stay clear of any drugs prescribed because you're healing now, even though it doesn't feel like it, and any drugs may be very difficult to handle. The feeling of going insane is something that many of us experience. At some point your symptoms will start to ease up. But, as is said so often here, time is the true healer. Hang in there!!
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If seeking help from a doctor about WD there's really nothing they can do that you can't do or are already dealing with through the WD. But as far as a psychiatrist or therapist that can go a very long way in helping you succeed and get through. CBT/regression therapy coping skills venting problem solving skills ect. All great stuff.


I agree with this.

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