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Ready for another cut or spread around current dosing?


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Hi! I'm at .25 of k twice a day. I'm about 2 1/2 weeks since my initial cut (which I guess was bigger than suggested, but I didn't know at the time). My s/x have subsided some but I noticed the last two days I got really tired with my AM dose and today I was pretty dizzy/off balance. It's fleeting, but I'm wondering if it's time to cut some more from my AM dose or perhaps I could spread that .25 out across the day (like .125 in am and .125 in afternoon. Thoughts? Am I stabilizing or is this tolerance withdrawal? I'm sort of confused about the two....



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Stabilizing doesn't mean waiting for all symptoms to totally resolve.  It's more about you getting stable with how you're doing.  If you're more or less doing OK, then consider doing your next cut.  It's possible that you'll have some symptoms from previous cuts when you do your next cut.  The hope is that those symptoms are not overwhelming you.
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Ok. Thanks! I still have this really weird time in the afternoon through early evening where my s/x are the worst. Head pressure, tremulous, eyes all out of focus. It either comes in waves or builds up slowly to its worst point then gradually tapers off. So I was sort of wondering if splitting my morning dose up might help this time period. But thanks for clarifying stability for me!
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Klonopin has a long half-life.  An extra split of your dose will have only a very minimal effect.  You might delay your morning dose by an hour or two to see if you get through the late afternoon/early evening a little better.  I guess it depends on how you feel when you take your morning dose.
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