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visual disturbance


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Has anyone experienced momentary visual weirsdness?

....I woke up the other night with one of those jarring clinic jerks and a jolt of adrenaline. As I opened my eyes it appeared that there was a black and white pattern on the wall.. spider web like or stripes. Just a matter of seconds, but it really scared me..the fear of it stayed with me for a couple of days ( this process is SO traumatizing). I haven't had another one and I do have to qualify my question by saying that earlier in the day I had taken 12 mg of Bonnie for nausea, but I have taken Bonnie ( drammamine.) throughout my taper and p/w without this s/x.

    It would be a huge relief to hear from anyone who has experienced seeing momentary visual patterns.  Thanks very much for any replies.  Coop

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Yes... the first month of this withdrawal I kept seeing shadows in my peripheral vision..I kept flinching, thinking someone was sneaking up on me!
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Ive hallucinated ever since i was 3 years old, sometimes i wonder if ive always had some disorder , i told my doctor about my past hallucinating i still hear things often i hear faint voices of enemys of mine even when im far away and its impossible to hear. i think what may have caused this to stay with me was 11-8 years ago i did hear those voices from enemy neighbors anyways i think thats what made the dr prescribe seroquel to me :(
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Hi coop


I had a spell of things appearing to move. I would wake up and the bedroom curtains would be right in front of my face making me jump. They would then fade away from my face until back in normal position. Very bizarre. Ashton lists perceptual disturbances as a symptom. I am sure it will pass like mine did.


LF  :thumbsup:



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So sorry...meant to post this on the post w/d board..thanks so much for the replied....coop


You can ask fo :thumbsup:r the thread to be moved.



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